
Take the First Step Now

Don't start off on the wrong foot! Visit, call or email our Admissions office to find out the admission/registration steps that are right for you. Every student comes to the college with different backgrounds. Our Admissions Specialists will ask you a few quick questions to see what services are right for you.

Be approved for online registration

 Students can now register online, but you have to be approved to do so first. The first step is to meet with a DACC Academic Advisor or Counselor. You can make an appointment by calling (217) 443-8750. During this meeting, the Advisor/Counselor will check to see if you meet the following conditions

Waitlist Options at DACC

With high enrollments, many of our course sections fill-up quickly. To better serve students when a seat opens up, DACC is now utilizing a waitlist service to meet our students’ needs. If a section is full,

Check It Out

Danville Area Community College students may repeat a course taken at DACC

Check It Out

Permission to audit a course may be obtained from Division Deans when space is available. The student is expected to attend classes regularly, but will not receive grades, take examinations nor receive credit.

Find Helpful Resources and Forms

Look through the different resources and forms ranging from address change, name change, and much more.

Start Here!

Important Notice: Since Fall 2009, DACC has gone paperless with student account information. Students are required to retrieve their schedules, bill statements and grades by logging in and accessing their records via myDACC.

Office Hours

Regular Hours (Mid Aug – Mid May)

Monday thru Friday: 7:30am – 5:00pm

Summer Hours (End of May - Mid Aug)

Monday thru Thurs.: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Fridays: Closed June-July, Otherwise 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Contact Us

Vermilion Hall
Danville Area Community College
2000 E. Main Street
Danville, IL 61832
217-443-8800 or 217-443-8802
Fax: 217-443-8337