Danville Area Community College has an open-door admission policy. The College admits all students qualified to complete any of its programs including transfer, career, basic skills, and Corporate and Community Education provided space is available. When adequate space is not available, the College will admit those students who are best qualified, giving preference to students residing in Community College District #507.
Many DACC classes require placement testing prior to enrollment to demonstrate academic readiness at designated skill levels to support academic achievement. Therefore, most new students and all students enrolling in classes with prerequisite skill proficiencies are required to present ACT or SAT scores, or participate in the college's placement program. Students may register to take placement tests by calling the Testing & Academic Services Center, 217.443.8708.
General Admission Requirements
Admission is open to anyone who meets the following requirements:
- Has earned a High School Diploma or General Education Development (GED) Diploma
Any student under the age of sixteen years of age may be enrolled upon meeting the following criteria:
- Taking the ASSET placement exam or providing ACT or SAT scores for proper placement.
- A signed letter of approval from a school official (principal, guidance counselor).
- Approval from DACC Dean of Student Services or designee.
- Approval of the instructor.
Parents should be aware that their student may be exposed to mature and/or controversial topics and conversations, not only within some classes, but also within the general college environment.
Admission Requirements for Career-Oriented Curricula
Minimum entrance requirements for Certificate, Associate in Applied Science Degree Programs, and Associate in General Studies Programs are the same as described under the heading of General Admission Requirements.
However, our Nursing (Practical Nursing Certificate and Registered Nursing AAS), Radiologic Technology AAS, and Sonography certificate are selective admissions programs. Students must be admitted into the program before taking major-specific courses. Please see an Academic Advisor or the respective Directors to advise you through the application process and general education course requirements.
Transfer Students
A student who has been enrolled in one or more institutions of higher learning is eligible for admission to Danville Area Community College. The applicant must submit an official transcript from each college previously attended.
International Students
This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. An international student is not a U.S. citizen.
To be admitted to DACC, an international student shall:
- Have completed the equivalent of a high school (secondary) education which normally means the completion of twelve (12) years of schooling;
- Demonstrate a mastery of the English language in one of three ways:
- with a score of 500 or higher on the paper-based TOEFL;
- with a score of 173 or higher on the computer-based TOEFL, or
- based on recommendation;
- Complete a Preliminary Student Information Form for International Students;
- Provide official transcripts covering all school work (high school and college) completed with English translations;
- Provide an affidavit stipulating that adequate finances are available for their support while studying in the United States.
International students must carry a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours. Six (of the required 12+) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters must be traditional, lecture-based, on-campus courses. Students are not allowed to take all classes in the online course format. It is essential that students from outside the United States have sufficient funds to cover their expenses while in this country.
In addition to the above criteria, international students are accepted on the basis of available space in the various educational programs. Consideration is also given to selecting a diversified international student population to enhance the enrollment of citizens from numerous countries.
Enrollment into courses will be determined by placement test scores and personal evaluations. Students deficient in English language skills must be enrolled in English as a Second Language classes.
Auditing Students
Permission to audit a course may be obtained from Division Deans when space is available. The student is expected to attend classes regularly, but will not receive grades, take examinations nor receive credit. Qualified students may change from auditing to regular enrollment status during the first two weeks of a twelve-week or longer course or during the first week of a course that meets less than twelve weeks. However, students may not change to auditing status once a class begins. Students auditing a class must pay regular tuition and course fees. Veterans and other eligible persons cannot be certified for audited courses per 38 CFR 21.4252 (I).
Former Students
Students who have previously attended Danville Area Community College must apply for readmission. If the student has been enrolled in another college in the interim, an official transcript from that institution must be submitted.
Admission Procedures
- Complete an Application/New Student Information Form
- Application processing can take up to 5 business days.
- You will receive a welcome email after your application has been processed and your account has been created or re-activated. Follow the steps in the email to register for classes. Generally you will need to:
- Complete a New Student Orientation (Only required for Degree/Certificate seeking students.)
- Schedule a Placement Test and/pr submit your ACT/SAT scores to the Records Office
- Set-up your Student User ID and Password.
- Monitor your Financial Aid Award status.
- Apply for DACC Foundation Scholarships between January and April.
- Sign-in to myDACC to check your DACC email and to accept the Annual Notice (This Must be accepted before you can register!). Please keep in mind that all communications from DACC will be sent your DACC email.
- Send your final official transcript(s) to records@dacc.edu
- After all Admissions steps have been completed then a student can contact the Advisement Office, 217-443-8750, to register.