DACC Federal College Work-Study Program
Students interested in student employment must apply using the DACC Human Resources (HR) Office online Student Employment application. Once completed the information is available to the DACC Career Services Office. This office will compile the applications to supervisors across campus who can then select students for interviewing. The Student Financial Aid office will verify eligibility for the Federal College Work-study program as applications are reviewed.
Job Placement Procedures
Student Worker Supervisors will use the electronic applications to contact the potential employee to schedule an interview and make a hiring decision. Student Worker Supervisor's reserve the right to hire, reduce work hours or terminate employment as deemed necessary for the operations of their departmental needs.
Employment Period
Employment period is for the applicable Award Year only. New award year begins each July 1 and ends June 30.
Qualifying for Work Study
College Work-Study (FCWS) is a federal financial aid work program partially funded by the United States Department of Education. DACC contributes a portion of the funds for the program. The college administers this program in accordance with the laws, federal regulations and instructions issued by or on behalf of the Department of Education, as well as its own institutional policies.
In order to qualify for a FCWS award, students are required to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) which is provided on the Internet at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa and have the results verified and a completed student financial aid file at Danville Area Community College.
Students must also meet the following conditions:
- Demonstrate financial need through the financial aid application process, receive a FCWS award and accept the offer.
- Maintain good standing and satisfactory academic progress while employed in the program.
- Be accepted for enrollment in a certificate, degree or transfer program.
- Not in default on any federal Title IV loan program and not owe a repayment of a federal grant or scholarship.
Additional information concerning qualifying for the FCWS program can be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Aid (1st Floor Vermilion Hall, West Wing).
Student eligibility to participate in the FCWS program is reviewed annually. FCWS awards are given for the academic year which begins each July 1 and ends June 30th.
Supervisor Responsibility
- Each department is expected to request only the number of student workers actually needed for the academic year.
- The employing department is expected to provide meaningful work.
- Each department must designate a student employment supervisor. The designated supervisor must be a full-time employee. Students can not supervise other students.
- The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the work assigned to and performed by each student employee and for complying with all procedures contained in this manual.
- Supervisors are responsible for verifying FCWS time sheets, monitoring student employee hours worked and maintaining records for each student.
These records must include:
- A copy of the student's current class schedule, which must be updated each term. The supervisor and student must refer to this class schedule when designating the student's work hours. A student may not work during scheduled class time.
- Copy of College Work-study Authorization Form (yellow card)
- Copies of the student's time sheet for each pay period
Work-Study Supervisors are also responsible for the following:
- Informing the student, in writing, of the exact duties and responsibilities of the job. A job description must be on file in the Human Resources Department and copied in the SFA office.
- Providing the student with the orientation and training necessary to perform assigned duties.
- Establishing a schedule of work hours that will be acceptable to both the student and the department.
- Supervising the development of good work habits. FCWS students should not be allowed, for any reason, to perform personal errands for faculty/staff or operate private vehicles of faculty/staff.
- Maintaining student daily sign-in sheet for each student assigned to the department for the duration of the academic year
- Certifying and submitting time sheets according to the FCWS Payroll Schedule.
- Monitoring FCWS wage earnings to ensure that no student earns more than his or her award and that the student stops working when his or her award is fully earned or when the employment period ends (a monthly earnings budget report will be sent to the supervisor each month).
- Any student employed under the College Work-Study Program must be paid for all hours worked. Overages of budgeted maximum funds will be charges to the supervisor’s departmental budget and contact form the College Controller will take place.
- Promptly notifying the SFA office when a student has resigned or has been terminated from their department. The student should complete the Resignation/Termination form.
- Counseling the students if their work is unsatisfactory and give them reasonable time to improve.
Supervisor's reserve the right to hire, reduce work hours or terminate employment as deemed necessary for the operations of their departmental needs.
Student Responsibilities
Student employees are required to comply with the performance standards established by the department for which they work. Students who fail to perform in a satisfactory manner may be removed from the assignment and from the FCWS program.
Any student who accepts a student employee position accepts the responsibility of maintaining professional standards and agrees to the following:
- Perform his/her job assignment in a serious and responsible manner
- Follow a predetermined work schedule that is acceptable to both the student and the employer.
- Notify the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible when illness or other circumstances prevent the student from working. All student worker positions are very valuable to the efficiency and operation of the College.
- Take into account the time for studying, student activities, personal time, lunch time and breaks between classes and schedule work hours accordingly.
- Students are expected to work all scheduled hours each week.
- Be dependable and prompt, and conduct themselves in a businesslike manner.
- Dress appropriately
- Students in high-visibility areas should consult their supervisors for the appropriate dress code.
- Notify the supervisor if your FCWS hours need to be reduced.
- Discuss any work-related problems with the appropriate supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved, the student should contact the Director of Human Resources
- Give the supervisor at least one week's notice before terminating a job assignment.
- Stop working immediately upon earning your FCWS award. Work-Study contracts are awarded by the Award Year
- Students are responsible for keeping track of their hours worked each term.
Confidentially and Privacy Regulations
Student employees are required to adhere to the following rules and policies regarding the privacy and confidentiality of student records information. Students must read and understand these rules and policies relative to privacy and confidentiality for student records information. Violation of these rules or policies will subject a student employee to immediate termination of employment:(and potential legal action)
- Student records are not to be removed from any College office by student employees unless requested to do so by the appropriate supervisor.
- Student employees who are granted access to student record information are accountable for the protection of the information and its contents while it is in their possession.
- Student employees are prohibited from accessing or discussing personal record information of friends or peers.
- Student employees should not use College equipment or office supplies for personal reasons, except as designated by a supervisor.
- Student employees are prohibited from working with their own records.
- Student employees must adhere to all FERPA regulations
Work Place Conduct
If a FCWS student is not performing satisfactorily, as defined in writing by his or her supervisor, the supervisor will first meet with the student and explain the specific areas of deficiency in the attempt to solve the problem.
Listed below are some circumstances that may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination from the FCWS program. It is not possible to list all circumstances in which students can be disciplined or terminated from the FCWS program and possible expulsion from the College if in violation of Student Conduct Codes:
- Continued unsatisfactory job performance
- Excessive absences or any absence without notice
- Excessive tardiness
- Job Abandonment
- Falsification of time keeping records
- Theft
- Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of DACC property.
- Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
- Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace
- Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
- Violation of department rules and regulations
- Not Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards
Supervisor's reserve the right to hire, reduce work hours or terminate employment as deemed necessary for the operations of their departmental needs.
Grievance Procedures
The purpose of grievance procedures is to provide students with an equitable and consistent system for dealing with on-the-job difficulties regarding assigned duties or supervision. A FCWS student having difficulties should attempt to resolve the problem through formal discussion with his or her immediate supervisor.
If, at this point, the FCWS student is not satisfied with the resolution proposed, he or she should contact the Director of Human Resources stating the grievance and the remedy desired. The matter will be decided and a final decision will be communicated to the FCWS student and the supervisor with documentation of the matter provided for the student's student aid file.
In matters of Violation of Student Conduct Codes the Dean of Student Services will be made aware of the situation and will be authority in actions required based on the offense.
Payroll Procedures
Federal College Work Study Student employees are paid at the Federal Minimum Wage. FCWS employees are paid at the same pay periods of all College employees. The Payroll Department will issue individual time sheets to departments for each pay period (the FCWS timesheets are blue). The student and the supervisor will receive a copy of the Payroll Schedule indicating the dates the time sheets are due in Payroll and the dates paychecks will be issued.
Students are required to sign in and out for each scheduled shift on a daily basis. Departments that utilize time clocks require students to record their time in that manner. Time sheets must be completed in black permanent ink and delivered to (via campus mail) to the SFA office by the due date. The student employee is not to deliver their own timesheet for processing. Time sheets must reflect only the hours worked during that pay period. Hours from one pay period cannot be included on another pay period timesheet.
It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the supervisor to sign the time sheet before the due date; however, the supervisor can sign the time sheet in the student’s absence. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to make sure that time sheets are delivered to SFA office by the due date. Time sheets received after the due date will not be processed until the next payroll.
It is a federal offense for a student or an employer to falsify any information on a student’s payroll time sheet and may result in termination of the student worker and/or College employee.
The College Work Study Program provides for payment of hourly wages for hours worked. Students are paid only for the hours they work. Fringe benefits such as paid sick leave, vacation pay, and holiday pay are not permissible under the FCWS program. All wages earned are subject to federal income tax.
Compliance and Award Monitoring
DACC requires all Work-Study students to work the award hours on a regular basis. Our Work-Study program does not permit sporadic attendance. Students and the supervisors are responsible for keeping track of the hours worked during the semester. To ensure that Work-Study contracts are not over awarded, work progress will be monitored throughout the year. The supervisor will receive a monthly budget report and will discuss the remaining hours with the student as the academic year progresses. It is the supervisor’s responsibility as well as the student’s to not work hours in excess of the individual student’s budget as well as the department’s maximum funds available.
Each semester the Supervisor is to ensure the worker completes a new Work/Study Student Directory Referral form with the Career Services office (Lincoln Hall, 1st floor), this is color coded by semester to indicate student is still employed.
Unemployment Benefits
FCWS student positions are temporary positions. Therefore, FCWS students are not eligible to collect unemployment benefits following termination of employment.
Displacement of Regular Workers
CWS employment must not displace employees or impair existing service contracts. Replacement is interpreted as displacement.
Voluntary Services
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, prohibits employers (including educational institutions) from accepting voluntary services from any paid employee. Therefore, all CWS students must be paid for all hours worked. The Wage and Hour Division (Employment Standards Administration) of the United States Department of Labor, can furnish additional information regarding voluntary services of institutional employees.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Danville Area Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, unfavorable discharge from military service (except dishonorable), mental or physical disability unrelated to the ability to perform essential program and job functions, veteran status, or any basis of discrimination precluded by the applicable federal and state statutes in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy:
Jill Cranmore, Director, Human Resources
Affirmative Action Officer
Danville Area Community College
2000 E. Main St.
Martin Luther King Memorial Way
Danville, IL 61832-5199
217.443.8756 . . . . .jcranmore@dacc.edu