Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
Board Meetings are held in the Vermilion Hall Room 302 starting at 5:30 p.m.
DACC Policies and Procedures
Take a look at the Policies and Procedures page to see the current policies and any changes that may have been made.
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning documents such as strategic plans, matrices, academic services master plan, information technology plan, marketing master plan, student services master plan, and the environmental scans live here.
Employment Contracts and Budgets
Take a look at the employee contracts and the budget for the college for the fiscal year.
The governing board of Danville Area Community College consists of seven voting members who are chosen at large on a nonpartisan basis in public elections held in odd-numbered years. These members serve six-year terms which are staggered. A non-voting student member of the Board is elected by the student body for a one-year term. Board members may not be employees of the College nor have financial interest in College business (Board Policies and Procedures, 1010). The Board of Trustees, composed of community representatives and responsible to the public, has the authority to appoint the President and other administrative personnel, all faculty members, and members of the Board in the case of vacancies.
The Board of Trustees of Danville Area Community College derives its authority from, and is governed by, those articles and sections in an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois creating a Board of Higher Education, approved August 22, 1961, and all subsequent revisions to that Act and the Illinois Public Community College Act approved by the General Assembly on July 15, 1965, and all subsequent revisions to that Act.
Accordingly, the Danville Area Community College Board of Trustees is a body politic and corporate known as "Board of Community College District No. 507, Counties of Vermilion, Edgar, Iroquois, Champaign, and Ford, in the State of Illinois."
Contacting the Trustees
Trustees may be contacted by email: or by calling (217) 443-8850.
Board Members
Term ends 2025
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 6/2/23
Term ends 2029
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 6/2/23
Term ends 2025
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 1/13/24
Term ends 2027
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 6/4/21
Term ends 2027
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 6/4/21
Term ends 2029
Required Trustee Leadership Training Completed 5/30/23
Student Trustee
Term runs 4/15/24 - 4/14/25