Welcome to the DACC Nursing webpage!
Department hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please keep in mind that there are days the college is closed. Outside of these hours, or when the college is closed, you can email nursing@dacc.edu for questions. To reach the department by phone please call 217-443-8553. If you are calling outside of office hours please leave a voicemail and we will be sure to get back to you. Please allow 48 hours for a response to your inquiry.
The Associate Degree Nurse (ADN) is an entry level practitioner and is competent to practice as a direct caregiver in a variety of health care settings which include diverse patient populations. ADN graduates are employed in a health care delivery system that continues to grow and change. As noted in our Mission Statement, the nursing program has an overall goal of preparing graduates who practice safe, entry level professional nursing with a desire for lifelong learning. Therefore, ADN graduates may go on to pursue bachelors, master's and doctoral degrees in preparation for advanced levels of practice. The ADN/RN program at DACC implements a multi-exit ladder approach in which the student may exit after the first level of nursing education with a Practical Nursing Certificate, qualified to write the licensure exam for Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN) OR the student can continue in the second level and earn an Associate Degree in Nursing/Registered Nursing. The purpose of the ladder associate degree nursing curriculum is to prepare qualified graduates to fulfill the current responsibilities of the Practical Nurse (Level I) and of the Registered Nurse (Level II).
The nursing program at DACC has a great reputation for excellence and quality, including high pass rate on the national exams for licensure. In addition, students can work as nurses (LPN's) while completing an RN education. AND, the classes can be completed at community college costs - a fraction of the expense of a university or private college. For these reasons and many others, our graduates are readily employed in hospitals, clinics, physicians' offices, school, industries, and many other settings across the nation.
Contact Information
Nursing Department
Phone: 217-443-8553