The Adult Education program strives to give students a second chance to achieve a basic education by helping them accomplish one or more of the following:
- Improve basic skills (reading, writing and math)
- Prepare for successful GED testing
- Transition into a career or post secondary education
- Improved speaking skills and/or basic skills if English As A Second Language
- Learn the basic skills needed in the workforce today

Additionally, the program will:
- Provide a caring and competent staff
- Provide convenient centers of instruction
- Provide a supportive atmosphere conducive to learning
- Encourage students to set goals appropriate to their potential
- Provide regular feedback on progress toward reaching goals that have been set
- Inform the community of existing programs
- Recruit potential students
The State of Illinois has now adopted two other High School Equivalency (HSE) Diplomas in addition to the GED. The three tests are the GED, HiSet and TASC.
If you think of the GED test like a photocopier, most people will say it's a Xerox machine when in fact it is a photocopier and the brand is Xerox. The HSE is the same. GED is just a name brand. The DACC Testing & Academic Services Center offers the computer-based GED test and the paper-based HiSet test. GED/HiSet classes are free in the Adult Education program but you have to pay to take either of the tests. The GED is $120 and has four subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts. The HiSet costs $90 and has five subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts Reading, and Language Arts Writing.
Adult Education classes at DACC prepare students to take either of the tests. Again, classes are free. To register for classes you have to come to the Adult Education office at DACC in Prairie Hall.
No matter which test a student takes they will still get the same diploma from the State.
For more information please call us at 217-443-8782
It is the policy of DACC Adult Education to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in class activities or to meet class requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Terry Goodwin, 2000 E. Main, Danville, IL 61832 (217) 443-8878 to discuss their needs for accommodations.
For information
Phone: 217-443-8782
Hours: 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m., M-F