Danville Area Community College has an open-door admission policy. The College admits all students qualified to complete any of its programs including transfer, career, basic skills, and Corporate and Community Education provided space is available. When adequate space is not available, the College will admit those students who are best qualified, giving preference to students residing in Community College District #507.
Many DACC classes require placement testing prior to enrollment to demonstrate academic readiness at designated skill levels to support academic achievement. Therefore, most new students and all students enrolling in classes with prerequisite skill proficiencies are required to present ACT or SAT scores, or participate in the college's placement program. Students may register to take placement tests by calling the Testing Center, 217-443-8708.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the requirements for admission to Danville Area Community College?
Admission is open to anyone who meets the following requirement(s):
- Has earned a High School Diploma or General Education Development (GED) Diploma
Any student under the age of sixteen years of age may be enrolled upon meeting the following criteria:
- Taking the college's placement exam or providing ACT or SAT scores for proper placement.
- A signed letter of approval from a school official (principal, guidance counselor).
- Approval from DACC Director of Admissions and Records.
- Approval of the instructor.
Please Note: Parents should be aware that their student may be exposed to mature and/or controversial topics and conversations, not only within some classes, but also within the general college environment.
- What are the general admissions/registration procedures?
- New Student Orientation: Sign up for a New Student Orientation by calling 217-443-8803 or stop by the Information Office in Vermilion Hall.
- Students may complete the DACC Application/Student Information Form prior to or during the orientation. Forms can be found in the Admissions Office (Vermilion Hall) or on the DACC website on the following page Application/Student Information Form.
- Placement testing may be arranged during or prior to the orientation. Appointments may be made by calling the Testing Center at 217-443-8708.
- Send "official" high school records, GED transcript, and/or any other educational records that could affect your enrollment at DACC. Other educational records = transcripts from other college previously attended, CLEP & AP scores, and military transcripts.
- Register for Classes. New students are required to meet with a DACC Academic Advisor or Counselor to set up an educational plan of study. Current full-time students (12+ credit hours) must register through an Academic Advisor/Counselor. Current part-time students, who do not need advisement assistance, may register through the Admissions/Registration office. DACC also offers online registration, but students must meet with an Academic Advisor to be pre-approved.
- Picture ID Cards: Once registered, DACC students must obtain their Picture ID Card. Students may do this in the Information Office (Vermilion Hall). Please note, DACC Picture ID Cards are required to charge bookstore items to your account and to perform other business transactions on campus (schedule changes, cashier, financial aid, etc.).
- Schedules & Bill Statements: Students will retrieve their schedules, tuition bills, and various other information and/or services online through Jaguar Spot. Access to computers will be available on the DACC campus in Lincoln Hall.
Note: You may apply for financial aid (by completing the FAFSA) as you work on Steps 1 through 3 above.
- New Student Orientation: Sign up for a New Student Orientation by calling 217-443-8803 or stop by the Information Office in Vermilion Hall.
- What are the admissions criteria for International Students?
To be admitted to DACC, an international student shall:
- Have completed the equivalent of a high school (secondary) education which normally means the completion of twelve (12) years of schooling;
- Demonstrate a mastery of the English language in one of three ways:
- with a score of 500 or higher on the paper-based TOEFL;
- with a score of 173 or higher on the computer-based TOEFL, or
- with a score of 61 or higher on the Internet-based TOEFL
- based on recommendation;
- Complete a Preliminary Student Information Form for International Students;
- Provide official transcripts covering all school work (high school and college) completed with English translations;
- Provide an affidavit stipulating that adequate finances are available for their support while studying in the United States;
- Copies of your passport, Visa, and I-94 card will be required once you arrive in the U.S.
International students must carry a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours. Six of the required 12+ credit hours during the fall and spring semesters must be traditional, lecture-based, on-campus courses. Students are not allowed to all classes in online course format. It is essential that students from outside the United States have sufficient funds to cover their expenses while in this country.
In addition to the above criteria, international students are accepted on the basis of available space in the various educational programs. Consideration is also given to selecting a diversified international student population to enhance the enrollment of citizens from numerous countries.
Enrollment into courses will be determined by placement test scores and personal evaluations. Students deficient in English language skills must be enrolled in English as a Second Language classes.
- How do I gain admission to a selective admission program?
A few of the programs offered at Danville Area Community College have a selective admission process that is separate from admission to DACC. These Selective Admission programs have additional application and qualification requirements. It is important to note that these programs also have early application deadlines. If you are interested in the following programs, you will need to contact a program director as early as possible. The following programs require specialized admission:
- Echocardiography Advanced Certificate
- Health Information Technology Certificate and AAS
- Nursing AAS
- Radiologic Technology AAS
- Sonography, Diagnostic Medical Advanced Certificate
- Tractor Trailer Certificate
- Wind Energy Technician AAS
- What is the difference between full-time and part-time?
An academic load of 12-18 credit hours is considered normal for a full-time student during regular semesters (Fall & Spring). During the Summer session, 6-8 credit hours are considered a full load. A part-time student includes anyone who is enrolled in 1-11 credit hours for the Fall & Spring terms or 1-5 credit hours for the Summer term.
- How do I make a class schedule change (Drop/Add Procedure) after the semester has started?
Dropping a Course (Refund Period)
"Dropping" a course means the course will not appear on the student’s transcript and the student will not be charged for the course. Depending on the length of the course, students may drop a class within the first week or two of the start of the semester.
Withdrawing from a Course
If a student withdraws from a course after the refund (or drop) period, NO TUITION AND FEES WILL BE REFUNDED. The student will receive a "W" grade on his/her transcript. "W" grades do not compute into the student’s G.P.A., but they can affect financial aid funding. Students who receive financial aid should check with Financial Aid before they drop a course.
Please note the last day to drop/withdraw from class each semester. The dates will be posted around campus. Specific drop/withdrawal deadlines will be posted for each semester on the following webpage: http://www.dacc.edu/ar/withdraw.
How Do You Drop/Withdraw?
Students can drop/withdraw from a class, depending on the timeframe, in a number of different ways:
- Students can drop or withdraw from a course by visiting or calling the Registration Office (Vermilion Hall, 443-8800).
- Counselors and Academic Advisors can also drop/withdraw a student (in person or via phone).
- Students with access to Web Registration may drop themselves from their classes. The computer will automatically process the drop or withdrawal based on the course start/end dates.
Please remember, it is not the instructors’ responsibility to drop or withdraw you. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE DROP/WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES!
- What is a prerequisite?
Prerequisites are usually introductory courses that students must successfully complete prior to taking certain college courses.
- What is the difference between a "W," an "I," a "P," and an "AU"?
W is the Official Withdrawal of a student within the Withdrawal Policy guidelines.
I is an Incomplete - This is a temporary grade. All incomplete work involved with a temporary "I" grade will be performed within 30 calendar days after the end of the term so that a grade may be recorded.
P is a Completed/Passed grade used for successfully completed labs and orientations.
AU is an Audit - Student auditing a class will receive an "AU" grade. (Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory are used in some courses.)
- Is student housing available?
The College does not maintain campus residence hall facilities. A courtesy list of housing is maintained in the Academic Advisement and Counseling Office and is available to students, parents, and other interested parties.
- What are DACC's Residency Policies?
Tuition rate at Danville Area Community College depends upon the residence of the student. Ordinarily residence is that domicile established for a purpose independent of attendance at the College. The following guidelines have been established for classifying students by residence:
- The residence of an unmarried student under eighteen is the same as that of parents or legal guardian.
- Marriage or full-time employment may be a basis for changing classification of residence.
- The student will cooperate in providing proof, when necessary, of claimed residency.
- In-District Student: Any student residing within Community College District 507.
- Out-of-District Student: Any student residing within the State of Illinois but outside Community College District 507.
- Out-of-State Student: Any student who resides in one of the United States other than the State of Illinois.
- International Student: Any student who does not reside in one of the United States.
Special Tuition Rates
Out-of-District or Out-of-State students may qualify for special tuition rates if one of the following applies:
- Residents of one of the following Indiana counties: Benton, Fountain, Montgomery, Parks, Tippecanoe, Vermillion or Warren
- Students employed 35 hours or more per week in-district (written proof from employer is required)
- Students enrolling in a vocational field of study that is an approved cooperative agreement program (written verification is required)
- Residents of a contiguous community college district whose "home" high school, due to consolidation of high school districts, is within DACC's district. High school graduation must be within the past 5 years to receive this dispensation.