The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 is federal legislation authorizing federally funded workforce programs and services. The Act prepares eligible youth and adults in Vermilion County and the surrounding area for entry into the labor force. Workforce development programs and services have been developed to meet the needs of area business and industry.
In Vermilion County, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title IB programs will be administered by Vermilion County Works (VCW). Danville Area Community College (DACC) was selected by the Vermilion County Board and the local Workforce Innovation Board to be the grant recipient and the administrative agency for all WIOA Title IB programs in Vermilion County, Illinois. DACC has expanded its mission to include the training, retraining, and job placement of eligible individuals in our community. A primary goal of the college in implementing the workforce development program is to strengthen area economic development efforts. The training resources in the county have been coordinated under the Act to identify and prepare Vermilion County residents for employment.
Workforce Development Programs
Vermilion County Works (VCW) provides a variety of job training programs and services. The following types of training and services are provided by our local office.
Vocational Skills Training
Classroom skills training programs prepare individuals for specific in demand occupations such as, but not limited to, nursing (LPN, and RN), electronics, CDL, certified medical assistant, computer communications and mechatronics.
Training programs may vary in length. Short term, high-intensity skill training programs are provided by the College and WIOA subcontracting agencies. Certificate and degree programs are available to VCW clients at DACC and other institutions.
Business Services:
Work Experience- planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a public, private or nonprofit sector for a limited time period and may be paid or unpaid.
Transitional Employment- a type of work experience specifically for individuals with barriers to employment who experience chronic unemployment or who have inconsistent work histories.
Class Size Training- services include the full range of occupational skills training, adult education and literacy services, and customized training. Class size training is designed to utilize approved training programs provided by eligible training providers.
Incumbent Worker Training- designed to ensure that employees are able to gain the skills necessary to retain employment and advance within a company or to provide the skills necessary to avert a layoff, ideally allowing the company to hire a job seeker to backfill the incumbent worker’s position. Incumbent worker training aims to improve the skills and competitiveness of the participant and the competitiveness of the employer.
On-the-Job (OJT) training- enables potential new employees to gain new skills or knowledge essential to full and adequate performance on the job. Employers are reimbursed for a portion of the participant’s wages to offset the cost of training and additional supervision. Employers agree to hire, train and retain the individual upon successful completion of the training program.
Youth Program Services
Vermilion County Works operates several special training programs for youth ages 16-24. VCW contracts with youth-serving agencies to provide pre-employment skills training prior to the youths being placed in work experience, limited internships, or employment with local employers.
Support Services
Financial assistance is available based on need to defray travel, child care, and related costs incurred during training.
Customized Training
VCW, in cooperation with the Corporate and Community Education Office, and other training agencies, designs customized training programs for local business and industry. This training can be done on-site or in a campus classroom.
Client Services
VCW assesses potential clients to assist in prescreening for training and job placement. Job readiness, training, on-going job counseling, retention and follow-up are also provided to enhance employment.
Dislocated Worker Program/Rapid Response Unit
VCW Dislocated Worker Program assists workers who have been laid-off or dislocated from their jobs due to a reduction in force or plant closures. VCW assists these individuals in shaping their futures by improving existing skills or re-training for new careers. Trained professionals help participants establish career goals by matching individual interests and abilities to occupations in demand.
The Rapid Response Unit of the Department of Commerce, VCW, and Illinois Department of Employment Security work together to insure that pre-layoff services are delivered to dislocated workers in a timely and effective manner. The Unit can be ready to respond to a potential dislocation event within a matter of days, and provides valuable information concerning programs and assistance available to dislocated workers.
American Job Center
The American Job Center (AJC) is a consolidated effort to provide a variety of employment-related services under one roof. Vermilion County Works, Department of Employment Security, Department of Rehabilitation Services, and several WDC partners’ services are available at the Center at 407 N. Franklin St. in Danville and can be reached by calling, 217/442-0296 ext. 101.
Employers will find a full complement of services from assistance in locating one employee with specific skills or help with a mass hiring, to resources for employee training. Applicants will be able to get help preparing a resume, locating specialized job training, and receiving career counseling.
The AJC is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. It is closed on major holidays.
For further information please call Vermilion County Works at the AJC
217/442-0296, ext. 101.