What is the Net Price Calculator?
The Net Price Calculator is a tool for students and parents to use to get a general estimate of what it might cost to attend Danville Area Community College, based on their individual financial situation. It is important to understand that the information received from the calculator is a broad estimate, and may vary from student to student depending on personal factors.
How Does the Net Price Calculator Work?
To estimate your net cost, the calculator uses DACC’s cost of attendance, which includes tuition and fees, an estimate of room and board expenses, books and supplies, transportation and personal expenses. Using the financial information you enter into the calculator, it estimates the amount that you/your family would be expected to pay for college expenses. The calculator then estimates how much financial aid you may be eligible for by matching your financial and personal characteristics to those used by the college to determine financial aid eligibility.
Please remember, this is only an ESTIMATE of financial aid eligibility. Final eligibility is determined after the submission of a FAFSA, determination of residency, eligibility, and availability of funds. Actual financial aid amounts, if approved, may differ from the estimated figure.
Things to Remember
Danville Area Community College does not provide on-campus housing. The figures for room and board are estimates for rent, utilities and food in central Illinois.
- Using the Net Price Calculator does not apply you for financial aid. You must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for federal and state aid.
- For more information on federal, state, institutional and private student aid refer to the DACC Financial Aid pages
How Can The Calculator Help Me?
Net price is the key to understanding what a specific college is likely to cost and allows you to better compare your out-of-pocket expense for one college to another.
Getting Started
Completing the calculator should take only a few minutes of your time. You will be asked some basic questions about you and your family’s financial situation so it might be helpful to have recent tax forms or pay stubs on hand before you begin.