What is Respondus Lockdown Browser
Respondus Lockdown Browser is a browser that locks down the testing environment for tests taken in Canvas. Depending on the instructor settings you maybe required to use a camera while taking the test. When using the Lockdown Browser you will not be able to copy, print, access other applications, visit other websites, or close the test until it is submitted.
If you would like to use Respondus Lockdown Browser on the DACC campus, it is available in the following labs:
Library, Clock Tower (CT)
Lincoln Hall (LH204)
Mary Miller (MM206 & MM016)
Tutoring Lab (Tech Center 104B)
24/7 Live Chat support - Respondus Monitor has live chat support (with real people) that can be accessed at any time. Learn more at respondus.com/student-help
Help Center & System Check - In addition to live chat, Respondus Monitor has a built-in Help Center that contains a System Check, troubleshooter, and knowledgebase. Technical support is available from here too.