Welcome DACC Students
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the Administration, Faculty, Staff, and the Student Services Division, we would like to welcome you to Danville Area Community College. We are elated that you have chosen DACC!
We know that we serve a diverse student body with various interests, needs, and experiences. With this understanding, we believe that DACC is the place for you. As our new tag line states, this is a chance for you “to write your own story.” To ensure this, we have a variety of programs and services to help you achieve your educational and career goals. The Student Handbook explains many of the services, regulations and policies which affect the quality of your college experience, whether it is on campus or online. Please take time to read through the information. The handbook has been prepared for you, the student, to enhance your college journey and ensure success. The major themes of the handbook include the following:
- General Information
- Academic Advisement & Course Registration Information
- Academic & Student Support Services
- Scholastic Achievements & Awards
- Student government, Clubs & Organizations
- Campus Safety & Security
- Student Rights & Responsibilities
- Academic Calendar
We are also excited to share some of our exciting, new technologies that will be put in place this academic year. Look for more information on our myDACC portal upgrades and our new Emergency Text & Email Alert system. Informational emails will be sent to your DACC student email account.
To better serve you, we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.
DACC Student Services Team