Admissions & Records Resources

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Request or Send

Request a transcript to be sent to DACC or send a transcript to another school.

Transfer Credits In or Out of the College

Transfer your DACC credits to another college or transfer your credits from another college to DACC.

Grade System

The final semester grades are determined by the instructors, according to the grades the student earns in all phases of class work: class discussions, tests, daily work, laboratory work, reports, term papers, and the semester examinations.

See If You're Ready to Graduate

Make sure you are ready to graduate from DACC.

Safe and Secure

Danville Area Community College is happy to provide verification of your enrollment to third parties. However, due to the sensitive and protected information, we will require your permission with a written request or you can request it through our online services at the mydacc.


Address Change

It is very important that the Admissions Office has an updated address on each student. Registration, billing, course changes, and grades are all affected by an incorrect address. Please notify the Admissions Office (Vermilion Hall) or your advisor/counselor (Lincoln Hall) of your new address. You may also send the form referenced below to the Admissions Office, DACC, 2000 E. Main Street, Danville, IL 61832.

Address Change Form

Please note that changing your address to an in-district address will not automatically change your residency or tuition status. See Residency Information for DACC's residency policy.

Name Change

In order to make a name change on your student records a picture ID and Social Security Card, with the new name, must be provided to the Admissions Office. They can be brought to the Registrar's Office in Vermilion Hall or emailed to

Address, Name, and SSN Change Form

Residency Rules, Changes, and Forms


Steps to follow to prove residency

If you have permanently moved into Community College District No. 507 and wish to establish residency with the College, you must provide the following 3 forms of documentation at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester to establish in-district residency.

A Notarized AFFIDAVIT (see Residency Forms)


2. A valid Illinois Drivers License, Illinois State Identification Card, or a Voter's Registration Card with your in-district address.
Note:  To update your driver's license, bring your birth certificate and Social Security card to the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles at 5 Southgate Drive, Tilton, IL.  217.442.1564. The office is CLOSED on Mondays.

AND one of the following:

3. A lease, utility bill, bank statement, etc. showing your in-district address.

All three of the above documents must be dated 30 days prior to the beginning of the start of the semester and must show your in-district address. Residency documents should be submitted to the Admissions Office (Vermilion Hall, Room 109) for final approval.

A resident of Danville Area Community College District No. 507 is one who has an established permanent dwelling within the district. Residents of Community College District No. 507 will be charged the in-district rate as established by the College's Board of Trustees.

 Map of Danville Area Community College District No. 507.

Out-of-District or Out-of-State students may qualify for special tuition rates if one of the following applies:

  • You live in one of these Indiana counties: Benton, Fountain, Montgomery, Parks, Tippecanoe, Vermillion or Warren
  • You are employed 35 hours or more per week in-district or are the dependent of someone employed 35 hours or more per week in-district (written proof from employer is required)
  • You are enrolling in a vocational field of study that is an approved cooperative agreement program (written verification is required)
  • Residents of a contiguous community college district whose "home" high school, due to consolidation of high school districts, is within DACC's district.  High school graduation must be within the past 5 years to receive this dispensation.

Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Admission Office at 217.443.8800


Residency Change Forms

Map of DACC District #507
Proficiency Examination Request Form

Proficiency Examination Request

Dual Enrollment Permission Form

Dual Enrollment Permission


Tuition Discount for Students Working In-District

Students who live out of district or out of state, but are employed 35 hours or more in-district will receive a tuition discount. Please contact Admissions for more information.

Senior Citizen Discount

Students who live in the DACC College District (see district map) and are age 60 or older qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount, which is free tuition. Students who meet the Senior Citizen Discount requirements are still responsible for the $25.00 per credit hour technology/activity fee, additional course fees (if applicable), and textbook costs. Offerings from the Corporate & Community Education division are exempt from this provision.

Cooperative Agreements

Danville Area Community College has entered into a comprehensive cooperative agreement with Illinois Community Colleges. The agreement allows a student who is an "in-district" resident of Danville Area Community College to enroll in any occupational certificate or associate in applied science degree program not offered by the home institution at in-district tuition rates. The student will be required to request a cooperative agreement authorization from the home institution and it must be renewed yearly as long as student is in the program of study. To request a cooperative agreement for an eligible program at another institution, contact the Danville Area Community College Office of Instruction at 217-443-8770.

annual report

Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course

How Do You Drop/Withdraw?

Students can drop/withdraw from a class, depending on the timeframe, in a number of different ways:

  1. Students can drop or withdraw from a course by visiting or calling the Registration Office (Vermilion Hall, 443-8800).
  2. Counselors and Academic Advisors can also drop/withdraw a student (in person or via phone).
  3. Students with access to Web Registration may drop themselves from their classes. The computer will automatically process the drop or withdrawal based on the course start/end dates.

Please remember, it is not the instructors’ responsibility to drop or withdraw you. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE DROP/WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES!

two students standing together

Protecting your Student Records (FERPA)

Danville Area Community College maintains compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Public Law 93-380). The law provides the student access to official records directly related to the student. It also provides the student with the opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. Students who wish to review their official college records should contact the Admissions & Records Office in Vermilion Hall.

a student in front of a computer learning

Online Services through the MyDACC

  • View Your Grades
  • Apply to Graduate
  • View Unofficial Transcript