Accommodation Request Form
Danville Area Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with disabilities. Contact the office of Disability Services for any questions regarding your eligibility or request for academic accommodations.
To receive accommodations, complete your request form as soon as possible. Timeliness will ensure academic accommodations can be implemented from the start of your semester. You will need to complete a Semester Request form before each semester to continue your accommodations from one semester to the next.
Disability Service Handbook
Description of Building and Offices
Student-Centered buildings at DACC with descriptions with accessibility
Semester Request and Survey for Accommodations
Grievance Policy
Academic Accommodations
Danville Area Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with disabilities. Contact the office of Disability Services for any questions regarding academic accommodations.
Disability Services
Cannon Hall, 1 st Floor (Room 109)
(217) 443-8708 / (217) 443-8809
TTY (217) 443-8701
To receive accommodations, complete your request form as soon as possible. Timeliness will ensure academic accommodations can be implemented from the start of your semester. You will need to complete a Semester Request form before each semester to continue your accommodations from one semester to the next.
Steps to Get Started
- Complete the Accommodation Request Form. This form can be submitted online at dacc.edu/ssc/oa, delivered to office of Disability Services on campus (Cannon Hall, room 103 or 109), or as an email attachment (disability-services@dacc.edu).
- Submit supporting documentation along with Accommodation Request online, emailing the documentation to disability-services@dacc.edu, or by delivering the documentation to the office of Disability Services. The documentation provided should substantiate the need for accommodations by 1) identifying the disability, 2) being recent or within the last 3 years, and 3) providing suggestions for reasonable accommodations based on the diagnosis provided.
- If you do not have current documentation,
- Ask your medical provider to complete Section 2 of this form or,
- Visit the Department of Rehabilitation to request an evaluation
- If you do not have current documentation,
- Complete an intake interview with a staff member from Disability Services. Appointments can be made online by visiting https://www.dacc.edu/ssc/oa (select Disability Services interview), by email (disability-services@dacc.edu), or by calling the Testing Center at 217-443-8708.
- Complete a Semester Request form before the start of each semester. A Semester Request form can be found online at dacc.edu/ssc/oa (drop-down under student resources) or on campus in the Testing Center (Cannon Hall, room 103).
Students with a disability should expect to maintain the standards that apply to everyone else in the course and request only the accommodations/modifications deemed reasonable. Disability Services will review your request and notify you of the approved accommodations. The office will also send a notification to your instructors indicating the accommodations found reasonable. It will be your responsibility to contact your instructors to arrange these accommodations.
Please note, the accommodations and services are offered in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Determining the need for Auxiliary Aids and Services
The collaborative process continues when determining the need and practicality for auxiliary aids and services. Be prepared to describe the auxiliary aids and services you used in the past and provide documentation of a disability and the need for accommodations.
*Documentation must be completed by a qualified professional
*The documentation includes a diagnosis and current level of functioning
*The documentation includes current, past, and/or recommended auxiliary aids and services
Fundamental Goals of a Curriculum
Faculty have the right to reject accommodations that undercut a course’s fundamental goals. Faculty may also choose between equally effective accommodations, if one is less intrusive to the course goals. A student’s request for an accommodation that would alter the curriculum or a course's fundamental goals is considered an unreasonable request. Working with your college instructors will be important to ensuring that you are provided all possible accommodation strategies that will provide you with the maximum opportunity for both learning and demonstrating mastery.
Accessibility on Campus
It is the policy of Danville Area Community College to provide an accessible campus, both in terms of the physical plant and programs. The College will comply with all requirements set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Illinois Accessibility Code of 1988, and all regulations implementing these Acts. Three offices on the DACC campus work together to address accessibility issues:
Doug Adams, Executive Director of Maintenance & Facilities (OF) reviews and coordinates physical plant modifications to ensure the accessibility of campus for all students, employees, and visitors with disabilities who wish to access the College's programs and services. Doug may be contacted by phone at 443-8832 or via email at d.adams@dacc.edu.
Jill Cranmore, Vice President of Human Resources (Affirmative Action Officer and Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer located in Vermilion Hall) is responsible for addressing concerns of students, staff, and the public regarding compliance and accessibility.
Jill Cranmore may be contacted by phone at 443-8756.
Lisa Rudolph, Director of Testing & Academic Services (Cannon Hall, Room 109) reviews student requests, coordinates academic accommodations and auxiliary aids, serves as the liaison between students and faculty members, and advises students as needed. Lisa may be contacted by phone at 217-443-8809 or by email at l.rudolph@dacc.edu