The Community Education Department is dedicated to enhancing and improving the lives of community members by offering courses, workshops, seminars, tours, conferences, and other activities that expands their area of knowledge. Community Education is focused on providing experiences, knowledge, and information to the general public at an affordable cost and is geared toward all ages and educational levels. The goal of Community Education is to provide opportunities for individuals to explore new areas of interest, brush up on skills, and to develop employable skills that is needed and desired by employers.
The offices of the Community Education Department are located in room 104 of the Clock Tower building. There is convenient 30 minute parking on the brick drive just north of the building. Stop in to pick up the latest schedule, register for a Community Education event, or simply to visit.
For More Information
For more information and to learn how to register for classes, please call 217-554-1667 or email commed@dacc.edu