Internet Access
You need to be signed up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in order to access the Internet from home. Some providers require the use of their own proprietary browser; these browsers may not provide all the functionality needed for your online course(s). If you are using a provider like this (for example, AOL), you must minimize that program and use an alternate Web browser to access Blackboard.
Chrome and Mozilla Firefox work best with Blackboard Learn.
If you do not have home Internet access
Please consider the following options:
- Computers are available on DACC's campus. Refer to the Computer Lab Schedule for open lab days/times.
- Wireless Internet access (WiFi) is available in many locations on the DACC campus (if you have a laptop with a wireless card). Currently, 29 wireless access points are deployed throughout campus buildings for student and employee use and convenience.
- Library
- Lincoln Hall 204
Tech Requirements
Before beginning your online course(s), your computer needs to be up-to-date with the appropriate hardware and software requirements. Please refer to this list for many useful, free or open-source programs and utilities:
- Operating System: Windows XP or higher or MAC OSX or higher
- Network connection: 56K modem connection minimum; Broadband, DSL, or Wireless high-speed connection highly recommended
- Readers
- Browser Plug-ins
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe Shockwave
- Firefox Browser Add-ons
- Java (Blackboard Learn requires the latest version of Sun JRE 6)
- Media Players
- Anti-virus Software: Keep virus definitions updated and scan your computer on a regular basis.
- Spyware/Adware/Malware Scanners
- Application Software:
- Get Microsoft Office for free
- OpenOffice offers a free productivity suite compatible with all major office suites
- NOTE: If you use any software program other than Microsoft Office for coursework, care must be taken to save the document in a format that your instructor(s) will be able to open (Microsoft format, or Rich Text Format).
- Browsers
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera (PC, Mac, Linux, phones & tablets)
- Safari for Windows and Mac
- Google Chrome
- Accessibility Resources for the Disabled
Solutions to Common Browser problems
- Make sure the Java Runtime Environment is installed
You will need to have the Sun Microsystems Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed in order for certain areas of Blackboard function properly. Please visit the Sun website to download the latest version. - Make sure that Javascript is enabled in the browser
Javascript is enabled by default on all supported browsers. However, if you encounter problems, please check your browser settings to make sure that Javascript is enabled. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari - Make sure that cookies from third parties are allowed
Third party cookies are allowed by default on all supported browsers. If you experience problems staying logged in, check your browser settings to make sure you allow third party cookies. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari - Pop-up blockers
If you are unable to view discussion postings, quiz windows, and download links, then you may need to disable pop-up blocking. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari - Third Party Plug-ins
Some content within courses may require the installation of third party plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, Windows Media Player, Realplayer, and many others. In each case there should be a notification and link informing you that you need to install a new plug-in. Be careful that you only install trusted plug-ins that are necessary for the course content. Malicious plug-ins can be dangerous to your computer.