2012 Internet Acceptable Use Policy
DACC is Danville Area Community College, Illinois Community College District No. 507. DACCnet is the entire DACC computer system, including all DACC-owned and DACC-leased computer hardware and software, the campus network, the campus Internet circuit(s), and all dial-up and other remote-access hardware and software.
In support of its mission of teaching and serving the community, DACC provides access to information technology resources to students, faculty and staff, within institutional priorities and financial capabilities. All members of the DACC community who use DACCnet must do so responsibly. All users of college-owned or college-leased information technology must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of physical facilities and controls, and comply with all pertinent licenses and contractual agreements. All users of information technology are bound by applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, and by other board policies and procedures.
All employees who use a computer or communication device automatically assume certain responsibilities. Those responsibilities must be taken seriously to avoid the loss of College time, data, etc.
Incidental personal use of the internet is allowed when it is in compliance with all other Board policies.
Acceptable Use
It is acceptable to use DACCnet:
- for purposes relating directly to education or research.
- in the case of employees, for the performance of necessary job-related tasks
Unacceptable Use
It is not acceptable to use DACCnet:
- for any illegal purposes
- to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment
- gain unauthorized access to hardware or software resources
- for personal financial or political reasons
- to distribute unsolicited advertising
- to intentionally transmit or receive threatening, obscene, or harassing materials
- to propagate computer worms or viruses or other disruptive or destructive constructs
- in the case of employees, to engage in personal activities such as game-playing and personal web browsing during work time
E-mail Guidelines
- Be professional when sending E-mail; be careful what you say to or about others
- Do not send E-mail which may be offensive to the recipient
- Do not assume that E-mail is necessarily private to you and the recipient
Violations of this policy may be met with a reduction of access to DACCnet, or with complete denial or access to DACCnet. Violators may be brought to the attention of DACC officials, who may take further action. Action taken by DACC does not eliminate the possibility of legal action taken by others.
Questions related to the DACCnet Acceptable Use Policy should be addressed to:
Internet System Administrator
Danville Area Community College
2000 East Main Street
Danville, IL 61832