MS: Transfer Programs

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Take a look at some of the transfer programs we offer at MSHP

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The Coordinated Engineering Program offers an Associates in Engineering Sciences (AES) degree in both Face to Face and Hybrid learning models.


The Math & Science (MS) Division is committed to providing high-quality and relevant education in the areas of Math and Science.

MS transfer program focuses on preparing students to transition from Danville Area Community College to any four-year university or college, specifically in fields related to mathematics, engineering, technology, or the sciences. Our courses are designed to ensure students are academically prepared to succeed at any four-year college and have the experiences needed to succeed in a STEM field. Additionally, DACC faculty and staff will facilitate a smooth transfer of credits and ensure that students meet the prerequisites required by the receiving institution.

All MS courses and programs aim to ease the transition for students pursuing higher education in
math and science by providing the necessary academic preparation, support, and resources to succeed academically and professionally.

Here are some key aspects often included in such transfer programs:

Firsthand Research Experience

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs): Many of our courses offer students the opportunity to engage in authentic research. Research opportunities cover the fields of microbiology, ecology, chemistry, and physics.

Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences: these programs aim to expose students to real-world scientific inquiry and laboratory work, fostering their interest and skills in STEM fields. Through these experiences, students have the opportunity to become researchers at a primary research university and work alongside scientists in all STEM fields.

Undergraduate Research

Flexibility and Access:

Multiple Modalities: MS courses are offered in different forms, from online to face-to-face modalities. Most of our courses can be taken fully online, fully on-campus, or a mixture of both (hybrid). The flexibility of our course offerings ensures that all students can accommodate our courses with their busy life schedules.

Hy-Flex Technology: Some of our courses are now been offered as Hy-Flex. Hy-Flex allows students to take the course online, hybrid, or face-to-face, depending on the needs of the students. Students can change the way they engage in the course without having to switch sections.

Curriculum Alignment:

Core Coursework: Our courses are designed to cover fundamental subjects in mathematics (calculus, algebra, statistics) and sciences (physics, chemistry, biology).

General Education: Our curriculum combines liberal arts education alongside science and math courses to ensure our students develop a well-rounded academic foundation.

Transferable Credits: By working with the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), MSHP ensures that all our courses are transferrable to any four-year institution in the state of Illinois.

Advising and Support:

Math and Science Tutoring Center (MASS): MASS serves students at all different levels from
developmental math to anatomy and physiology to engineering physics.

Academic Advising: Guidance provided by advisors to help students select appropriate courses and ensure they meet the requirements for transfer.

Support Services: Tutoring, workshops, and resources to assist students in their studies and academic growth.


some one running a biology test
Chemistry test tubes
chalkboard with math on it
Two women working on a physics experiment
the word health