Get Engineering Experience
DACC has developed an Engineering Internship Program in hopes of providing students with “real” engineering experience. It is our hope to equip students with more than academics.
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Engineering allows you to find creative solutions to the challenges facing our society. Within engineering there are basic classifications for jobs that are common across the various engineering disciplines.
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Hybrid Engineering Program at DACC
Why Choose the Coordinated Engineering Program at DACC?
- Strong Curriculum
Danville Area Community College (DACC) alumni have reported that they are prepared as well as or BETTER in physics and mathematics than students who have completed fundamental training at the four-year universities. Alumni also report that they have better technical writing skills in lab reporting, and thus, do better initially in their laboratory coursework.
- Flexible Transfer
DACC alumni have successfully transferred to Illinois State Universities as well as elite institutions such as Purdue, Berkley, Bradley, and Rose Hulman.
- Financial Benefits
The average starting salary for an engineer is $70,000, and in addition to the final payoff, in-district students who attend DACC will save $11,000+ per year of attendance. These savings do not even take into account the scholarship possibilities offered by the DACC Foundation Scholarships.
- Mentoring
DACC Engineering offers students both faculty and alumni mentoring. Mentoring addresses study skills, learning styles, transfer issues and internship application processes.
- Excellent Faculty to Student Ratio
DACC engineering provides a faculty member per every six students. This ratio allows the students to receive immediate personal attention from faculty.
- Internship Possibilities
We can offer just about any student interested in working hard a possible internship simply because of the ratio of local industries to students. Historically, we have working partnerships with several industries including IDOT, City of Danville Engineering, Aqua Illinois, Fiberteq, Thyssen-Krupp, and Watchfire Signs by Time-O-Matic.
- Fabulous Career Possibilities
DACC alumni have worked on world renowned projects including “driverless” cars, the largest tonnage output furnace in the world, Google drones, NASA satellites, and NASCAR racecars. We have alumni who are also building schools, public safety buildings, roads, bridges, and tunnel liners. We even have alumni working on classified projects for the US government!
The Coordinated Engineering Program offers an Associates in Engineering Sciences (AES) degree in both Face to Face and Hybrid learning models. This degree provides basic training in the foundational building blocks of engineering: Physics and Mathematics. Studies are conducted in general areas as a preparation for a number of fields of advanced specialized study. This program is designed as a transfer program and completing it provides flexible transfer to desired colleges and universities.
Engineering offers a vast number of job opportunities. Specialties include aerospace, agricultural, automotive, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, drafting, electrical, environmental, geological, marine, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, software engineering, and more. Our graduates work in a wide range of fields including controls design for satellites and drones, designing structures, and mechanical design for NASA cars and particle accelerators. The possibilities are truly endless.
Program Goals
Students will solve complex problems using critical thinking skills and scientific reasoning. Students will communicate effectively in laboratory reports that use proper symbolic expressions and arguments, relevant vocabulary, appropriate support for claims, and clear description of procedures and Students will effectively participate in team projects or laboratory groups.
$1,200 Tuition Waiver Program
Incoming fall semester students that identify themselves as engineering students AND who pass DACC MATH120 Calculus I with a B or higher, receive a 9-credit hour tuition waiver for MATH130 Calculus II and PHYS106 General Physics I in the following spring semester. Both courses mush be taken in the following semester. Tuition waivers are applied at midterm.
Online/Hybrid Coordinated Engineering Program
Danville Area Community College offers the engineering program in a hybrid model. Online students will complete their lecture portion of coursework via the learning management system and will visit the campus one week per semester to complete laboratory work. This new model is designed to meet the needs of students working or out of district.
Vermilion Advantage Program
Students may qualify for Skyepact Advantage which will assist students with full-time job placement with a local employer who will then pay for further training/education related to the position and advanced positions. The program is available to Vermilion County graduates; however, new opportunities for out of district adults may be available. To inquire contact Vermilion Advantage at 217-442-6201.
Mark Hardwidge, m.hardwidge@dacc.edu, or Kathy Sturgeon, k.sturgeon@dacc.edu