MS: Health

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Take a look at some of the transfer programs we offer at MSHP

Math & Science

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The Coordinated Engineering Program offers an Associates in Engineering Sciences (AES) degree in both Face to Face and Hybrid learning models.


Health courses encompass a diverse range of topics related to the maintenance, promotion, and improvement of individual and community well-being. These courses are designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in areas such as healthcare delivery, public health, nutrition, human anatomy, and various aspects of wellness.

Adjunct Faculty

Nancy Allen
Sylvia Crowder
Bethni Gill
Chris McMahon
Sharon McMahon
CathyJo Sroufek

Health Courses


Contemporary Health MS PEHL

Emphasis in this course is on a proactive wellness approach to decision-making and healthy behavior. Course requirements include several writing projects involving library/internet research, and include two 3-page papers. Short assignments with each unit of study allow students to apply course content to their personal situation.


First Aid and Personal Safety MS PEHL

An introduction to basic principles and practices involved in effectively recognizing, responding to, and giving care in an emergency or medical situation. American Heart Association (AHA), Healthcare Provider BLS (basic life support) CPR, (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) cards will be issued upon successful completion of the class.


Nutrition MS PEHL

A study of essential nutrients with regard to food sources, functions, digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Weight control, food labels, food safety and special nutritional requirements for age groups will also be considered. A primary objective of this course will be to assist the learner in becoming a sophisticated consumer with regard to new nutrition information.