Mission Statement
The Health Information Technology Program at Danville Area Community College strives to provide our diverse community with quality, innovative, and accessible learning that produces professionals trained with the ability to collect, organize, code, analyze, and protect health information being well versed in healthcare computer information systems and software applications. This program’s goal is to graduate students with attitudes and principles that will give them the ability to continue to grow with an industry that is rapidly expanding, ultimately educating individuals that exceed the expected competencies of the American Health Information Management Association.
Programs Goals
Our courses and course sequences in Health Information Technology are designed to meet the following goals:
Student and Graduate Goals
The Health Information program has an academic process improvement plan that aligns with DACC’s Institutional Effectiveness Key Performance Indicator of Student Success which measures the percentage of students who complete credit courses with a grade of C or better. In the Health Information program students must receive a C or better to pass each course. If the course grade drops below a C it will prompt an academic process improvement plan. All students dropping below a grade of C at the 10th day grade verification, midterm grade verification and final grade verification dates will meet with the Health Information Director to create an academic process improvement plan to provide an opportunity for the student to improve their grade to a C or higher.
Students will successfully apply classroom learning during their professional practice experience as measured by an evaluation from their healthcare site coordinator.
Graduates will demonstrate entry-level health information competencies by maintaining a higher than national average pass rate on the Registered Health Information Technologist (RHIT) exam.
Curriculum Goals
To proactively stay up-to-date with changes in the field the program will annually assess the effectiveness of course curriculum to determine where improvements may be needed through feedback collected from student surveys, graduate surveys, the advisory board meeting, healthcare facility surveys and governing health information associations’ recommendations.
Program will annually assess curriculum to ensure courses contain 100% of the entry-level learning competencies at the recommended Bloom's level or higher by mapping course content and reviewing course syllabi.
Faculty Development Goal
All faculty will attend one or more continuing education opportunities such as faculty in-service training, attending national, state or local health information conferences to maintain currency and expertise within the learning competencies they are teaching as measured annually on instructor evaluations.
Community of Interest Goal
To provide educational forums annually for the community of interest, and in particular, for employees currently in the health information field.
The program’s Advisory Board will meet at least annually to assist with development and revision of program goals and curriculum based on recommendations from the annual school summary report provided by AHIMA, student surveys, graduate surveys, advisory board member recommendations, healthcare facility surveys and governing health information associations’ recommendations.