Financial Aid Forms

The DACC Financial Aid Office supplies various forms to meet the needs of their students in awarding and packaging student financial aid. Below is a brief description of each form, its use and a link to the form. It is important that you follow the directions provided with each form and that the form is completed correctly and submitted (in a timely manner) with appropriate documentation. Please review your Self-Service portal to view any documents required for financial aid.

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Learn the Steps

Eligibility for Student Financial Aid is determined by individual "Financial Need." Financial need is the difference between the costs of attending college for a period of attendance and the amount a student's family can be expected to contribute from their income and assets.

Check out the Handbook

Read the Financial Aid Handbook

Attend at a cost right for your

Attend DACC at the cost that is right for you and change your current life.

Check it out

The student is required to meet the standards listed on the page or eligibility to receive student financial aid will be placed in a Financial Aid SAP WARNING status, a Financial Aid SAP SUSPENSION status, or a Financial Aid SAP PROBATION status.

Check to see if you qualify

The refund period is prior to the first day the class meets or the first two weeks of class for those who meet twelve weeks or longer, or the first week of class for those meeting less than twelve weeks. If a student officially withdraws from a class during the refund period a 100% refund will be issued.

The exception to this policy is when the Department of Education's Federal Refund Policy must be applied to those students whose costs are paid by student financial aid funding.

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Appeal Form (SAP)

This form is used to submit an appeal to the DACC Appeal Committee concerning not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). These policies are governed by the Department of Education and are mandatory requirements. The SAP regulation is published on the DACC web page, in the College Catalog, and in the Student Handbook.

a ball of money in a pair of cupped hands

Federal Direct Loan Request Form

This form is used by the student to request a Federal Direct Loan. The student completes the form and submits it to the DACC Financial Aid Office. Please Check your Self-Service portal to view required documents and see your loan awards.

image of a computer on a desk

Family Size Verification Form

This form is used to obtain verification information for the student's financial aid file. Please check your Self-Service portal to view your required documents.

woman on computer in grass

Statement of Education Purpose Form

Select students must sign a statement of educational purpose form for financial aid eligibility. Please complete this form in person or via notary with an unexpired, government-issued photo ID. If using a notary, please send a copy of your ID to the financial aid office.

image of a jar of coins and a small graduation hat

Special Circumstances Application

This is used to request consideration of an event or circumstance that may have caused adverse effects to the family's financial resources and was beyond the family's control. These can include but are not limited to employment layoffs, downsizing, reduced hours or other changes, divorce or death in the family, or medical bills that have been paid (beyond the 11% protection allowance) and insurance will not reimburse. In the event of a "one-time" monetary benefit (taxed or untaxed) that will not be repeated consideration will  be reviewed but may not be discounted in full or at all.

a ball of money in a pair of cupped hands

Dependency Override Consideration Form

This is used to request that the Status Questions (Step 3) on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) not be the determining factor to be considered "Independent" for student financial aid purposes. Please Note: This override is seldom approved and there must be "extreme" circumstances, that can be documented, concerning the student/parent situation. A parent(s) refusal to provide FAFSA  information does not meet an "extreme" circumstance. A student not living with their parent(s) does not meet an "extreme" circumstance.

a ball of money in a pair of cupped hands

Declaration of Non-Filing Status Form

Financial Aid processes follows the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) "Who Should File" guidelines and tables that are provided by the IRS each tax year. If an independent student, spouse, or parent declares themselves "non-filers" review of this form may be requested and document required to verify exemption to this regulation. If the family does not meet an "exemption" status they may be required to file their Federal return(s) before the financial aid process can be completed.