Adult Education Programs

image of a math test with pencils and a calculator on top of it

The General Educational Development Test (GED®)

The specific purpose of the GED® Test is the measurement of the educational development of adults who have not completed their formal high school education. Adults may earn a High School Equivalency Certificate and thus qualify for admission to colleges or other educational institutions, meet educational requirements for employment or promotion, satisfy educational qualifications for induction into the armed services, fulfill requirements of local or state licensing boards, or gain personal satisfaction.

Picture of a study desk with books

GED® Testing

Find out what you need to be able to take the GED® Test

a student in front of a computer learning

The High School Equivalency Test (HISET®)

The specific purpose of the HiSET® exam is the measurement of the educational development of adults who have not completed their formal high school education. Adults may earn a High School Equivalency Certificate and thus qualify for admission to colleges or other educational institutions, meet educational requirements for employment or promotion, satisfy educational qualifications for induction into the armed services, fulfill requirements of local or state licensing boards, or gain personal satisfaction.

girl sitting on a stack of books

Reader's Route

Tutoring and tutor training is FREE!  There is no cost for the tutor or the learner.  The Reader’s Route provides all the materials needed for a successful tutoring journey!

Women sitting at a computer


Basic instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing English for those who do not speak English as a first language. The course content covers structure, pronunciation, vocabulary development, reading and writing skills. The main objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the language with a significant portion of class time devoted to exercises devoted to listening and speaking. The books for the course are provided. There is no direct cost to the student.