Campus Classes
Students may register for ABE/GED classes at any time prior to the start of each session. You may register with the Adult Education Counselor in Prairie Hall, Room 104. Office hours are 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday. No appointment is necessary. Please allow 45 minutes for this process. A registration application will be completed and a placement assessment will be administered.
Extension Classes
Students will register for ABE/GED classes on either that day or night that the class begins. The instructor will take care of registration process and complete all assessment testing.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Registration (Campus/Day Classes)
Students may register for ESL classes at any time prior to the start of each session. You may register with the Adult Education Counselor in Room 104. Office hours are 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday. No appointment is necessary. A registration application will be completed at this time.
Campus/Night Class
Preapproval by the instructor is necessary to enroll in the evening ESL class. Registrations can take place in Prairie Hall, Room 104 with the Adult Education Counselor or with the instructor on the scheduled night of class.
Extension/Night Class
Students will register for the evening ESL class on the scheduled night class begins. The instructor will take care of the registration process and complete all assessment testing.