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Access to the internet means access to information and resources around the world. The electronic job search is a viable option for today's job seeker.
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Check out the links on the page to find help with your job search
Services Offered
- Career Counseling for Undecided Students contact career services at 217-443-8597
- Weekly Career Connection Job Posting publication comprised of full and part-time job listings
- Walk-in hours for resume and general job search assistance
- Job search related publications and labor market information
- Career choice, job search, and job readiness workshops
- Yearly "Career Connections" Job Fair held on campus at DACC each spring
Information about DACC's Work-Study and Student Worker program
Career Services assists DACC students in finding part-time and summer employment on campus in a variety of settings. Our goal is to not only assist students in finding some extra income, but to also attempt to be "purposeful" in directing students to job areas that are related to their future career goals.
There are two classifications of student employees at DACC. Work Study refers to a federal program that provides monies to colleges and universities to pay for student employment. Students are determined eligible for work study by the DACC Financial Aid Office.
All DACC students are eligible to be a Student Worker.
Visit Human Resources to begin the application process for on-campus student employment.
Click here to apply for a position on campus
If you need help applying, see Kellie McBride in Cannon Hall 213 for assistance.