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Access to the internet means access to information and resources around the world. The electronic job search is a viable option for today's job seeker.
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Check out the links on the page to find help with your job search
Internet Resources
Access to the internet means access to information and resources around the world. The electronic job search is a viable option for today's job seeker. There are hundreds of on-line career centers offering resumes, job announcements, and advice on interviewing and job search techniques. Internet access also brings company information to your fingertips. Good luck in your job search and have fun "surfing!" The following links will help you get started:
Disclaimer: No claim is made to the reliability of information available on any of the servers. Neither the author nor the Career Services Center endorse the commercial use of any of these sites. Their inclusion in this list only indicates their availability on the internet, and their relevance to the scope of career resources.
STEM Career Resources
Career Services Internet Resources "HOT LIST"
- Indeed.com - Job Postings
- CareerNet - Regional & State Career Resources PLUS Federal Job Listings
- Champaign Nursing Jobs – Find nursing jobs in Champaign.
- Illinois Nursing Jobs – Find nursing jobs in Illinois.