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Access to the internet means access to information and resources around the world. The electronic job search is a viable option for today's job seeker.
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Career Majors
Need to know what degrees will help you obtain a specific career? If you get a degree in "X" can you go into a career in "Y"? The Career Majors section can help.
"What Can I Do With A Major In...?" Links
Check out the links below for some helpful websites.
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Non-Traditional Careers
A non-traditional career is defined as one where more than 75 percent of the workforce is of the opposite gender -- or conversely where fewer than 25 percent of the workforce is of your gender.
For women, many non-traditional careers fall into a few broad categories of jobs: labor-intensive, scientific/technical, and supervisory.
And while fewer non-traditional careers are available for men than for women, these careers tend to involve education, health, and service-related jobs.
Job Security
Nontraditional fields, such as information technology, nursing, and engineering, often experience a labor shortage, so there is high demand for skilled employees in those occupations.
Women who work in nontraditional fields can expect lifetime earnings of 150% or more than those in traditionally female occupations.
Business Advantage
Research shows a diverse workforce is more innovative, productive, and creative.
Fast Facts
- Men
Men make up 2.4% of Childcare Workers.
- Men make up 1.8% of Dental Hygienists.
- Men make up 21.2% of Librarians, Archivists, and Curators.
- Men make up 10.9% of Occupational Therapists.
- Men make up 5.1% of Licensed Practical Nurses.
- Men make up 5.8% of Speech Therapists.
- Women
- Women make up 16.5% of Chemical Engineers.
- Women make up 10.8% of Civil Engineers.
- Women make up 2.4% of Construction Trade Workers.
- Women make up 2.5% of Electricians.
- Women make up 20.6% of Farming, Forestry, and Fishing Occupations.
- Women make up 4.1% of Firefighters and Fire Prevention Personnel.
- Women make up 18.3% of Police and Detectives.