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Return to the graduation home page.
Make Sure You're Ready
Make sure you're ready to graduate by following these steps.
You're almost there!
Take the final step of your education here at DACC and apply to graduate!
Find Out What You Need
Find out what you need for commencement, such as caps & gowns, and ceremony details.
Honors Cords, Stoles, & Medallions
See if you are graduating with honors.
Send Your Transcripts
While you are thinking about graduation, you can “pre-order” your final transcripts to be sent to the college you are transferring to or a future employer.
What is IAI?
Danville Area Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor's degree have been satisfied. This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 (and thereafter). More information about the Illinois Articulation Initiative is available online at www.itransfer.org.
Why Would IAI Be Important to You?
Is transferring to another school in Illinois in your future? If yes, the IAI agreement can assist you. Go to the IAI website to see if the school you will be transferring to follows the agreement.
How Do You Become Certified?
Complete the Request for IAI Certification form and return it to the Records Office (Vermilion Hall). This should be done before your final transcript is sent to the college/university you are transferring to.
Questions About IAI?
Consult the IAI website or see your DACC counselor or advisor for more information.