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Return to the graduation home page.
Make Sure You're Ready
Make sure you're ready to graduate by following these steps.
Find Out What You Need
Find out what you need for commencement, such as caps & gowns, and ceremony details.
Honors Cords, Stoles, & Medallions
See if you are graduating with honors.
Send Your Transcripts
While you are thinking about graduation, you can “pre-order” your final transcripts to be sent to the college you are transferring to or a future employer.
What is IAI?
Danville Area Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions.
Make sure to apply
DACC requires students to “apply” to graduate for a certificate or degree. Current students, or students who have attended the college in the last year, should submit their Application to Graduate by following the instructions below.
When to start applying
Spring graduates apply in August
Summer graduates apply in March
Fall graduates apply in June
Please note: It is never too late! DACC is always happy to affirm certificates and degrees. Many students even transfer credit hours back (from two-year or four-year colleges) to complete a certificate/degree that they started at DACC. If you have any questions, please call the Records Office (information listed below).
Process for Current or Recent Students
Complete the graduation form below that applies to you, and submit it to Records@DACC.edu or stop by the Records Office in Vermilion Hall to fill out.
For ALL Applications to Graduate
Once your application is received, the Records Office will have the Advisement & Counseling Office review your progress toward the certificate and/or degree. DACC will send you an e-mail letting you know if you are on track to graduate or if you are still missing a requirement or two.