Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an appointment online (Powered by AppointmentPlus) or make an appointment in person on Tuesday or Thursday from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm. For other appointment options call the office at (217) 443-8708
Everything you need in one convenient spot
The placement test is offered by appointment only on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. If you are not able to test during these days or times, please contact our office at 217-443-8708, and we will attempt to coordinate a time that works for you. If you wish to test at the Hoopeston site, you need to call and schedule an appointment with the Higher Learning Center at 217-283-4170.
DACC uses ALEKS for the math placement, and Accuplacer reading and Writeplacer for the English placement. The placement test is to help determine your level of skill in one or more academic areas. The scores you receive will be used to assist in determining the most appropriate courses based on your demonstrated skills. This is not a pass/fail test and is only meant to help you become best prepared for future college level courses.
If you feel the scores you received do not indicate your skill level, you are allowed to retest. The math placement provides a diagnostic and an opportunity to utilize Prep and Learning Modules that will unlock a second opportunity for testing once 3 hours have been completed within those modules. The English placement can be retaken for a $15 test fee, 48 hours after the initial session.
For more information about either tests or to access practice material click the links above.
Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an appointment online (Powered by AppointmentPlus) or make an appointment in person on Tuesday or Thursday from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm. For other appointment options call the office at (217) 443-8708