Accommodation Request Form
Danville Area Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with disabilities. Contact the office of Disability Services for any questions regarding your eligibility or request for academic accommodations.
To receive accommodations, complete your request form as soon as possible. Timeliness will ensure academic accommodations can be implemented from the start of your semester. You will need to complete a Semester Request form before each semester to continue your accommodations from one semester to the next.
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Semester Request and Survey for Accommodations
Grievance Policy
Bremer Conference Workforce Development Center (BC on campus map)
The Center is a 1 ½ level building with a ground-level, main entrance door. It has an automatic/ handicap-accessible door button. The building provides access to each level with ramps. Restrooms are also handicapped accessible.
Offices and services provided in building: Conference Rooms, Corporate & Community Education courses, Culinary Arts, and the Theater.
Cannon Hall (CH on campus map)
Cannon Hall is has two floors open to students and the public. The north-facing, main entrance has a stairway or ramp and the door has an automatic/handicap door button. The south-facing entrance from the quad only has a stairway entrance. Students may access the second floor by using the elevator in Lincoln Hall. Restrooms are available on both floors.
Offices and services provided in building: General Tutoring, Institutional Effectiveness Office, TRIO/Student Success Center, Testing & Academic Services Center, and Disability Services.
- Disability Services: Provides orientation, guidance, and assistance for students with disabilities. Disability Specialists also approve academic accommodations for courses and advocate for students. Assistive technologies such as computer screen readers, audio recorders, closed caption video, audio format books, and print/website information to audio technologies are also provided per student evaluations.
Child Development Center (CD on campus map)
The Child Development Center has one, ground floor open to customers, students, and the public. The public entrance requires guests to be identified and allowed into the building. Restrooms are provided in the building.
Clock Tower Center (CT on Campus map)
Clock Tower has three floors open to students and the public. The building has 4 main entrances: 1) a north-facing entrance (on the quad) that has a stairway and ramp with an automatic/handicap door button; 2) a west-facing entrance (close to student parking lot) that has a stairway entrance; 3) a west-facing entrance to the south of the 2 nd entrance, between Clock Tower and Bremer Center that has a ramp or stairs; 4) an east-facing entrance, just west of the Senior Citizen Housing. The south-facing entrance from the quad only has a stairway entrance. Students may access the lower level and second floor by using the elevator near the north-facing entrance. Restrooms are available on all floors. A gender neutral restroom is also provided in the Library (on first floor). Handicapped-accessible parking is available in between the north-facing and west-facing entrances, as well as the student parking lot to the west of the building.
Offices and services provided in building: Art / Ceramics / Painting, Instructional Media Center (Audio-Visual, Distance Learning), Liberal Arts, Library, computer lab in Library, Vermilion Room, and Writing Center.
Lincoln Hall (LH on campus map)
Lincoln Hall has 4 floors open to students and the public and it is connected to Vermilion Hall, Cannon Hall, and Prairie Hall. The building has 3 main entrances: 1) a south-facing entrance (from the quad) that has stairway or ramp and the door has an automatic/handicap door button; 2) a west-facing entrance with a stairway; 3) an east-facing entrance with a stairway or ramp and the door has an automatic/handicap door button. All levels are accessible by the elevator located in the north end of building.
Offices and services provided in building:
- Lower Level: Bookstore, Campus Security, Graphics, Shipping & Receiving, and gender neutral restrooms
- 1 st Floor: Advisement & Counseling, Career Services, Dean of Student Services, Chief Diversity Office, College Express, Business Division classrooms, Student Union/Subway, meeting rooms, and restrooms
- 2 nd Floor: Business Division classrooms, Middle College Classrooms, Open Computer Lab (Room 204), restrooms
- 3 rd Floor: meeting rooms, restrooms
Mary Miller Center (MM on campus map)
Mary Miller has 3 floors open to students and the public. It is a separate building, just east of the VA drive. Three parking lots surround the building, one to the west, one to the northwest, and the other directly north. The parking lot to the west is paved and has handicapped-accessible parking spaces. The building has 6 main entrances that do not require use of stairs or a ramp: 1) and 2) are west-facing entrance doors with automatic/handicap door buttons; 3) a southeast facing door; 4) a west-facing entrance way on the north end of the building with automatic/handicap door button; 5) an east-facing entrance toward the north end of the building; and 6) an east-facing entrance toward the middle of the building with an automatic/handicap-accessible door button. All levels are accessible by the elevator located in the northwest end of building or stairwells on the east and west ends of the building. Restrooms are available on each level.
Offices and services provided in building: Math, Science, and Health Professions classrooms and laboratories, MASS (Math & Science Solutions) Tutoring Center, Fitness Center, Weight Room, Racquetball Court, Gymnasium, computer labs, Dean’s Office, meeting room, locker room, Athletic Department, study areas, and gender neutral restroom (near the Athletic Offices).
Ornamental Horticulture Building (OH on campus map)
The OH building is a one story building. The main entrance is on the north end and faces the west. The main entrance has an automatic/handicap-accessible door button. A secondary entrance to the Greenhouse is located on the south end of the building.
Offices and services provided in building: Floriculture and Horticulture classrooms, Greenhouse, restrooms.
Prairie Hall (PH on campus map)
Prairie Hall has 2 floors open to students and the public and it is connected to Lincoln Hall. The building has 2 main entrances: 1) a north-facing entrance that has stairway or ramp and the door has an automatic/handicap door button; and 2) a south-facing entrance with a stairway. The south entrance (off the quad) is closest to the student parking lot on the west-side of the campus. Students who need a ramp may use the south-facing entrance of Lincoln Hall (off the quad) which also has an automatic/handicap door button All levels are accessible by the elevator located in the north end of Lincoln Hall and a stairwell in the center of the building.
Offices and services provided in building:
- Lower Level: Bookstore, Campus Security, Graphics, Shipping & Receiving, and gender neutral restrooms
- 1 st Floor: Advisement & Counseling, Career Services, Dean of Student Services, Chief Diversity Office, College Express, Business Division classrooms, Student Union/Subway, meeting rooms, and restrooms.
- 2 nd Floor: Business Division classrooms, Middle College Classrooms, Open Computer Lab (Room 204), restrooms
- 3 rd Floor: meeting rooms, restrooms
Offices and services provided in building: Adult & Basic Education (High School Equivalency classes, Literacy classes, Certified Nurse Assistant classes, English as a Second Language classes), Middle College, American job Center, and Online Learning Services.
Technology Center (TC on campus map)
The Technology Center is a stand-alone building on the north end of campus. It has one, ground floor open to students and the public. A large student parking lot is located to the north of the building and has handicapped-accessible parking spaces. It has 4 main entrances with two on the north end and two on the south end. All doors have automatic/handicap door buttons. Restrooms are available in the building as well as a gender neutral restroom.
Offices and services provided in the building: Classrooms for Drafting/Cad, Electronics, Information Systems, Manufacturing, Tractor Trailer, Welding, and Wind Technology, a Business & Technology Tutoring Center, computer labs, a lounge/vending area, and the College’s Industrial Training Center.
Vermilion Hall/Administration Building (VH on campus map)
Vermilion Hall has 3 floors open to students and the public and it is connected to Lincoln Hall. The building has 1 main entrance on the north end of the building. Stairs and a ramp are provided at this entrance. The door also has an automatic/handicap door button. All levels are accessible by the elevator located in the north end of Lincoln Hall. Restrooms for the first and second level are located in Lincoln Hall. Restrooms for the third floor are located in Vermilion Hall.
Offices and services provided in building:
- 1 st Floor: Information Office, Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, Cashier, Business Office
- 2 nd Floor: President’s Office, Executive Vice President of Instruction & Student Services’ Office, Foundation, Marketing & College Relations, and Human Resources
- 3 rd Floor: meeting rooms, restrooms
Off Campus Sites
- Community Education, Village Mall, 2917 N. Vermilion St, Danville, IL
- DACC Hoopeston Higher Learning Center, 847 E. Orange St., Danville, IL
- Vermilion County Works, 407 N. Franklin St., Danville, IL
General Building Notes
- Most buildings have restrooms on all public floors.
- All buildings have Wireless Internet (WiFi) access available.
- Several gender neutral restrooms have also been designated in the following buildings: Lincoln Hall (lower level), Clock Tower Library, Technology Center (northeast corner), and the Mary Miller Center (near Athletic Director’s office on first floor).
- Lactation Rooms are also available to students/guests as needed. Rooms can be reserved through the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services’ office at 217-443-8770.