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Thank you for your interest in our daycare! Unfortunately, we do not have any openings, but we encourage you to add your name to the list at your earliest convenience. We are always looking to expand our care services and will notify you when space becomes available. In the meantime, please feel free to browse our website for more information on our daycare and the services we provide. Thank you for considering us for your daycare needs!
The Center invites and encourages you to become involved with your child(ren)’s education. Please feel free to share any interesting hobby, occupation or talent you might have. YOU ARE A VITAL PART OF OUR PROGRAM!
Waiting List
Danville Area Community College Child Development Center maintains a waitlist. Calls are based on date of inquiry. After you have been contacted, a meeting is scheduled for a visit with your child. It is important that we show prospective parents our facility and inform them about our policies and procedures. No fee is necessary. Fees apply only to families that agree to enroll on a specific start date. The duration of the visit is an hour or more. During the visit parents will meet the teachers, visit the classrooms and share background information with the Director. Openings are filled in the order of the date they are placed on the wait list except for parents with siblings already enrolled. A new sibling is offered space based first upon the required start date and then the closest date of availability. This is before consideration is given to enrolling new families outside the center.
Please be advised that we need to hear from you on a regular basis in order to remain on the waitlist. If we do NOT hear from you after 6 months your name will be removed.
The Center's Annual Open House is the Third Friday of August
Enrollment Procedures
The following records and fees must be completed at time of enrollment:
- Completed Physical Examination Form and Immunization Record.
- Child’s Personal Record.
- Tuition Agreement
- Food Reimbursement Application
- Lab Observation Permission Form
- $65.00 registration/art fee
- Certified Birth Certificate
Each child must enter with a medical examination form signed by a physician showing that the child is free from communicable and infectious disease, and is able to participate in a group program. The following immunizations are required and must be on file; DTP (Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis), IPV and/or OPV (Polio), Hib or COMVAX (Haemophilus influenzae type b), Hep B or COMVAX (Hepatitis B), MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella), Chickenpox [Varivax] (Varicella), TB (Tuberculin) Test and Lead Test.
Children need to be at the Center no later than 9:00a.m. in order to obtain an accurate lunch count and for the children to participate in circle time. Children will not be received after this time unless they have a Doctor's/Dentist appointment. If this is the case you will need to bring a note from the Doctor or Dentist. Prior Notification is required.
If a child displays symptoms of illness while at the Center, he/she will be isolated from the other children and the parents or other designated person will be notified. If a child contacts an infectious disease and misses school, he/she must bring a statement from his/her physician to re-enter the Center. Any medication that is to given to a child must be authorized by prescription or written statement of a physician and written parental permission to give the child such medication must be on file.
Parents will be charged for sick days unless their child is absent for a complete week’s schedule (Monday through Friday of same week). If a child is absent for a complete week’s schedule, parents will be responsible for one-third of the regular fee.
Drop-Off Procedures
It is the parent’s responsibility to wear a mask and bring their child(ren) wearing a mask during drop-off. Parents at this time will not be allowed to enter the center. Daily health checks will be performed on ALL child(ren) and staff members as they enter the building and they will sanitize their hands before going in the large motor area. In the large motor room the child(ren) will change their shoes before going into their classroom. When the child(ren) gets in the classroom they change their mask and wash their hands then they are able to begin their day. Our drop-off policy is children must be here no later than 9:00a.m. in order to obtain an accurate lunch count and for the children to participate in circle time. Children will not be received after this time unless they have a Doctor's/Dentist appointment. If this is the case you will need to bring a note from the Doctor or Dentist.
Pick-Up Procedures
It is the parent’s responsibility to wear a mask during pick-up. If someone other than you will be picking up your child(ren), you must fill out a child release form with that person’s name. Please be advised that your child(ren) will not be released without your signature and ID of designated pick-up person.
If you are a student at DACC you must supply the Center with a copy of your schedule. If changes to your schedule occur, it is your responsibility to notify us within 24 hours of any change. If you do not plan on attending class or leave campus, you must be sure that the Center is aware of where you are at all times in case of an emergency.
*The Center's hours of operation is from 7:15 a.m. to 4:25 p.m. Parents cannot drop their child(ren) off before 7:15a.m. If parents pick up their child(ren) after 4:30 p.m. will be charged an additional fee which must be paid immediately and their child(ren) will not be able to attend the Center on the next day of operation.
Please bring your child(ren) a complete set of extra clothes (pants, shirt, socks, and underwear) for emergencies. If your child(ren) does not have extra clothes available-we will call you at work or get you out of class, so please provide these items. Also, if your child(ren) will be at the Center for naptime, we ask that you bring them a blanket and pillow.
*Make sure that you mark all of your child(ren)’s belongings with permanent marker.
It is essential for the development of your child(ren) to engage in outdoor activities every day Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. PLEASE DRESS YOUR CHILD(REN) APPROPRIATELY!
Family Support
The Child Development Center at Danville Area Community College offers many opportunities for families’ education and involvement, targeted toward developing all areas of development including literacy skills. The designated area is located at the child development center large motor room.
The Center offers a variety of ways to support families. What is Available?
- Book/Toys Leading Library which includes books, flannel stories, and games.
Parents need to contact their child’s head teacher to check out books or games. - Information and/or referral to supportive services regarding family issues.
- Photography services (Spring Semester only)
- Adult classes
- Child care during parent teacher conferences or parent meetings
- Tuition scholarships through the Foundation office
- Family Events/Involvement a year. Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
Parents need to contact their child’s head teacher to check out books or games.
The Child Development center will sponsor three family events/involvement a year. Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. If any questions please let Melissa Hollingsworth or Shana Forthenberry know: 217-443-8833 or 217-443-8886