My goal is to graduate students that understand the value of health information and instill a continuous learning attitude which is an essential skill in our rapidly changing healthcare industry. To produce graduates that are able to collect, organize, code, analyze, and protect health information with precision. Classroom interaction with experienced health informatics instructors coupled with excellent professional practice experiences provided by our community’s healthcare providers creates effective learning experiences for HIT students. This learning and skill development is ultimately tested after graduation when students sit for the national Registered Health Information Technologist certification. I believe self-directed and life-long learning is a cornerstone to being successful. I also believe learning should be enjoyable. To achieve this I work to create an accepting atmosphere in the classroom that promotes asking questions and finding answers. I also view wrong answers as valuable as the correct answers because getting it wrong (once understood) provides the most memorable learning.
Associate in Applied Science, Health Information Technology, Danville Area Community College
Bachelor of Science, Health Information Administration, Illinois State University
Master of Science, Health Informatics, University of Illinois at Chicago