MASS & Faculty
MASS is a prime location where math and science students gather to strengthen their academic skills. To contribute to this objective, we continually foster a strong relationship with DACC faculty, so that we can support their students in the most effective manner possible.
Please take a few moments and review the information here to learn more about our services and form a positive working relationship with Math and Science Solutions.
Refer a Student
Provide your students with one of these referral slips to provide a more structured, formalized guidance in order for them to take advantage of MASS services.
The MASS Syllabus Insert
Copy and paste this information into your syllabus to properly notify your students of MASS services.
Volunteer at MASS
Instructors may donate one hour or more in our center to tutor students. If you are interested in strengthening our services and volunteering some time at MASS, please contact Tracy Thompson at t.thompson@dacc.edu or 217-554-1671.