AED Locations & Certified Users

Safety & Security Homepage

Annual Security Report

Danville Area Community College faculty, staff, and administration place a high priority on providing and maintaining a safe campus. Numerous services and practices are in place to insure that DACC students and staff feel comfortable with respect to their personal safety and the security of their possessions when on campus.

Faculty and Staff Emergency Response Handbook

This handbook is intended for use by faculty, staff, and students of Danville Area Community College. It has been designed to provide a quick reference in cases of emergency. All employees should become familiar with its contents.

Active Shooter Preparedness

The training is targeted to reach a broad range of individuals, including managers and employees, so they can prepare to respond to an active shooter situation. 

Pandemic Flu Preparedness Plan

Chemical Hygiene Plan



Certified User

Bremer Conference Center

AED located in the lobby near restrooms


Clock Tower

AED located on first floor in the main hallway


Child Development Center


Shanna Forthenberry, Brittany Hopkins, Melissa Hollingsworth

Hoopeston Higher Education Center


Karla Coon

Jacobs Hall

1st Floor - AED located on main floor near restrooms


Lincoln Hall

1st floor - AED located near east door/elevator

2nd floor - AED located near electronic sign

1st floor - Dawn Nasser & Stephane Potts

2nd floor - Kellie McBride, Jennifer Slavik

Marry Miller

1st floor - AED located in the west entrance lobby

2nd floor - AED located in the west entrance lobby

1st floor - Suzanna Aguirre & Nursing Faculty

Prairie Hall

1st floor - AED located in Lincoln Hall near east door/elevator

Kathy Leary

Technology Center

AED located near the breakroom

Lisa Osborne & Pete Powell

Vermilion Hall

1st floor - AED located in Lincoln Hall near east door

2nd floor - AED located in main hallway

2nd floor - Kerri Thurman