Rayburn, Eric

Distinguished Professor, Mathmatics
Math, Sciences & Health Professions Division
Mary Miller Center
Classes Taught

MATH 101-Basic Algebra
MATH 105-Intermediate Algebra
MATH 111-College Algebra
MATH 114-Trigonometry
MATH 115-Survey of Statistics (Applied Calculus)
MATH 125-Introductory Analysis I
MATH 135-Introductory Analysis II (Finite Math)

Teaching Philosophy

Every individual has a purpose. They may possess some talent or interest in a certain walk of life but must still acquire the skills and knowledge and hone their abilities to prepare them for the particular field of employment they desire. In most cases, a high school education is no longer enough to satisfy these demands. Nearly everyone will require at least some form of post-secondary education to obtain meaningful, enjoyable employment that is in keeping with their talents and interests and yet lucrative enough to support themselves and possibly a family.

I make every attempt to help every student who is willing to increase their understanding of the material and improve their academic standing in the class. I offer my time for individual and group tutoring. I provide numerous opportunities for detailed evaluation through homework assignments, classroom presentations, extra work from outside sources, quizzes and tests. I give study guides and schedule study session times to maximize every individuals' chance of successfully completing each course. I spend at least as much time outside of class as I do inside the classroom preparing lesson plans that will clearly and efficiently explain the material in a way that is both informative and palatable for all students. I have a deep concern for my students' well being and success and I enjoy what I am doing. Teaching is my purpose.

Educational Background

M.A. Mathematics, Indiana State University
B.S.  Mathematics Education, Indiana State University