Title IX Administration

Title IX Coordinator: The College has designated the Vice President of Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer as the Title IX Coordinator. Contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is as follows:

Responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator include, but are not limited to:

  • Overseeing the College’s response to all title IX reports and complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems revealed by such reports or complaints.
  • Being informed of all reports and complaints raising Title IX issues, including those initially filed with another individual or office or if the investigation will be conducted by another individual or office.
  • Conducting and/or assigning Title IX investigations including the investigation of facts relative to a complaint.
    • The Title IX Coordinator must not be the decision-maker for a determination of responsibility in response to a formal Title IX complaint of sexual harassment.
  • Coordinating any appropriate supportive measures and ensuring the effective implementation of any remedies.
  • Ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for working with law enforcement and coordinating services with local victim advocacy organizations and services providers, including rape crisis centers.
  • Ensuring that adequate training is provided to students, faculty and staff on Title IX issues.
  • Monitoring students’ participation in athletics and across academic fields to ensure that sex discrimination is not causing any disproportionate enrollment based on sex or otherwise negatively affecting a student’s access to equal educational opportunities.
  • Developing a method to survey the school climate and coordinating the collection and analysis of information from that survey.
  • Promoting an educational and employment environment which is free of sex discrimination and gender bias.

Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator or to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the United States Department of Education:

Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office
U.S. Department of Education
Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475
Chicago, IL 60661-4544
Telephone: (312) 730-1560
Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov

The Human Resources Department will partner with the Title IX Coordinator with respect to any complaints of sex-based misconduct that involve a College employee as the complainant or as the respondent. For any such complaints that involve a College employee as the respondent and fall outside the scope of Title IX, the Human Resources Department will manage the investigation into the allegations and issue a decision and any appropriate sanction(s).

For complaints of sex-based misconduct that involve a College employee as the respondent, investigatory and disciplinary procedures required by any applicable collective bargaining agreement will apply in addition to these Procedures.