Board Policies & Procedures

Request For Payment

6022 Request For Payment

All expenditures of the College must be fully supported by appropriate documents and will normally be covered by a Purchase Order. In specific instances, invoices may be processed by submitting a Request for Payment Form.


The following type of items can be processed for payment by completion of the Request For Payment form:

  1. Renewal of subscriptions.
  2. Temporary help under contracted service arrangements/consultants.
  3. Utility bills for energy, telephone, water and sewer.
  4. Emergency repair services when arranged through the Vice President of Finance and Administration or the Controller.
  5. Refunds to students.
  6. Payroll withholdings (SURS, taxes, etc.).
  7. Contracted insurance payments.
  8. Employee travel advances and reimbursements.

Attachments to the Request For Payment form shall include the original invoice plus any other supportive documents to explain the item for which payment is requested.

Adopted Date