6014 Purchase Order Contract
The Board shall let all contracts for supplies, materials, equipment, or work involving an expenditure in excess of the amount stated in Section 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act to the lowest responsible bidder after due advertisement, except those contracts which by their nature are not adapted to award by competitive bidding as provided by Section 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1.
Contracts for supplies, materials, equipment, or work involving an expenditure less than the amount stated in Section 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act can
be awarded to vendors who qualify under the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act, “BEP ACT” (30 ILCS 575/0.01) for amount exceeding the lowest
price by up to 5%.
As provided by Section 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act, the College may participate in the joint purchasing plan of the State of Illinois in purchasing of personal property, supplies and services. Where the State of Illinois is a party to the joint purchasing agreement the bid-letting, public notice soliciting the bids, the bid openings, and the award decision will comply with the provisions of the Joint Purchases by Governmental Units Act. The Department of Administrative Services of the State of Illinois will conduct the procedures.
Procedures for Formal State (Public) Bids
- All formal competitive bids for contracts involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 must be sealed by the bidder and received in the Business Office by the date and time stated in the bid advertisement, and must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
- All bids shall be opened by an employee of the Board at a public bid opening at which the contents of the bids shall be announced.
- Due advertisement is defined as at least one public notice published at least ten (10) days before the bid date in a newspaper published in the District. Such public notice shall contain the office at which bids will be received and the date, time, and place of the public bid opening.
- In the case of identical low bids, the Board may award a contract to a responsible low bidder based on historical results of previous contracts with the bidders or utilize a method of chance