6013 Purchasing and Procurement Policy
It shall be the policy of the College to purchase products and services using competitive procedures through the Assistant Vice President of Finance or Designee. This official has the sole authority, within established policy and administrative procedures, to order supplies, materials, and equipment, and to obligate the College for contractual services. Without definite and particular permission of the Assistant Vice President of Finance or Designee, College employees may not order products or services by letter, telephone, email, or in any other manner. The College will only assume obligations issued on a duly authorized purchase order by the Assistant Vice President of Finance or Designee.
The Assistant Vice President of Finance or Designee is responsible for the procurement of all supplies, materials, equipment, and contracted services necessary for College operations. The Assistant Vice President of Finance or Designee will operate within procedures that meet the requirements of the laws of the State of Illinois, applicable federal laws, and requirements of applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars, specifically 29 CFR 95, 2 CFR 200, and OMB Circular A-110, for Procurement Procedures; adhere to sound business practice and; in general, are consistent with those of similar institutions. The objectives will be to procure all equipment, supplies, and related services in such a manner that maximum value will be obtained for money expended.
Competitive buying principles shall be applied for all procurements which exceed $1,000 and in all other instances where price comparison may be advantageous. Contracts and purchase orders will be awarded without prejudice or favoritism. Vendors who qualify under the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act, “BEP ACT” (30 ILCS 575/0.01, may receive special consideration that could include up to a 5% advantage if the cost of services or products is not the lowest offered in competitive situations. Joint purchasing with the State of Illinois is encouraged when pricing is lower. Danville Area Community College will aspire to award contracts in accordance with Illinois Statute 30 ILCS 575, aka the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act.
Intent of Purchasing Policies
- To procure products and services as economically and conveniently as possible.
- To maximize the ultimate value to the College for each dollar expended.
- To consolidate purchases of like or common items to obtain maximum economic benefits.
- To promote good business relationships between the vendor and the College.
- Not to discriminate against the procurement of recycled-content products. Products with recycled-content shall be purchased when costs, specifications, quality standards and availability are comparable to products without recycled-content.
- In accordance with Illinois State Statute 30 ILCS 575, the College President shall appoint the Assistant Vice President of Finance as the liaison to the Business Enterprise Council.
- Pursuant to 110 ILCS 805/8-27, contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials, or work exceeding $25,000 must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The College will evaluate bids based upon financial concerns first and foremost but will make consideration for qualified businesses.
- To procure products and services from District 507 vendors so long as value, economy, and service are not sacrificed.
- Pursuant to 30 ILCS 575, is shall be the aspirational goal of the College to use such firms owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities as defined by the Act for not less than 20% of the total amount spent on State Contracts for these services collectively.
- Danville Area Community College prohibits contractors who develop or draft specifications, requirements, statement of work, or Requests for Proposals from competing for such procurements.