6005 Submission of Grant Proposals
It is the policy of the Board to encourage applications for state, federal, and private grants that are in harmony with the mission, fiscal capabilities, and the policies of the College. All grant proposals must be approved by the Executive Vice President for Instruction and Student Services or President prior to beginning the application process. Prior to final submission of a grant proposal, the staff member preparing the proposal shall review the budget with the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee. Mutual agreement is required upon the proposed data and specifications to ensure that all appropriate costs, direct and indirect, are provided for within the proposal. Specific accounting restrictions and reporting requirements must also be mutually agreed upon.
The responsible Grant Director will receive a monthly budget balance report, or will review the budget balance by computer screen, and it will be that staff member's responsibility for ensuring that expenditures are made within the guidelines of the approved budget. The Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or Controller will further review these reports and inform the Grant Director of budget variances.
Grant proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Vice President of Instruction and Student Services or President before a grant agreement or contract can be accepted by the College.
Additional procedures shall be developed, implemented and reviewed regularly to ensure proper grants management.