Board Policies & Procedures

Adoption of Annual Budgets

6003 Adoption of Annual Budgets

At a regular or special Board meeting, the Board will review the proposed detailed budget documents and establish a date for holding a public hearing on the tentative budget. At this same meeting, the Board will authorize the publication of notice of public hearing on the tentative budget. After conducting a public hearing, and before October 1 of each year, the Board will adopt the official budget and direct the Secretary to certify the same to the Illinois Community College Board and the County Clerks.

At least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, the College will place a notice in at least one newspaper published in the District, announcing the hearing and informing the public that the tentative budget is available for public inspection. The Secretary shall make the tentative budget available for inspection during normal working hours.

The adoption of the annual budget, transfers within a fund, and amendments to the budget shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 103-20.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act as amended.

Fund budgets to be adopted according to the above schedule and subject to the provisions of the Act as specified include:

  1. Education Fund
  2. Operations and Maintenance Fund
  3. Operations and Maintenance Fund (Restricted)
  4. Bond and Interest Fund
  5. Auxiliary Enterprises Fund
  6. Restricted Purposes Fund
  7. Working Cash Fund
  8. Fixed Asset Group of Accounts
  9. College Work-Study Fund
  10. Trust and Agency
  11. Audit Fund
  12. Liability Fund
  13. Unemployment Compensation Fund
  14. Workers Compensation Fund
  15. (Not Established)
  16. Management Restricted Fund
Adopted Date