Board Policies & Procedures

Sick Leave

4052 Sick Leave

Full-time employees will be granted sick leave with full pay for personal illness or injury based upon the number of weeks employed per year in accordance with the Sick Leave Schedule below.

Approval may be granted for an employee to use sick leave in order to assist members of the immediate family who have a personal illness, treatment, diagnostic service, quarantine at home or residence or serious illness. Immediate family shall mean spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, parent-in-law, brother/sister-in-law or legal guardian.

Employees must report the use of sick leave before work assignments begin.

The maximum accumulation of sick leave is 300 days. Employees may use the maximum number of sick leave days. However, an employee may not receive sick leave pay for days the employee was not scheduled to work.

An employee must contact the Human Resources Department following more than three (3) consecutive days of absence due to illness or injury of an employee or family member. A licensed physician's statement, or if treatment is by prayer or spiritual means, that of a spiritual advisor or practitioner of such employee's faith, may be required as a basis for pay during leave after three (3) consecutive days of personal or immediate family illness or as deemed necessary by the Board in other cases. Employees and their physician must complete Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) documentation. FMLA absence will run concurrent with sick leave time.

Part-time employees shall have sick leave in accordance with the Part Time Sick Leave Schedule.


Supervisory approval may be granted in one of two ways:

  1. Employee completing and supervisor approving written Request for Leave/Report of Absence form.
  2. In the event of an emergency, employee contacting supervisor directly and receiving verbal supervisory approval and completing the written Request for Leave/Report of Absence form upon return to work.

Sick leave may not be taken in increments of less than one half-hour for classified staff and in increments of less than one-half day for administrative staff.

Personal Business Leave

In accordance with the Full-Time and Part-Time Sick Leave Schedules below, full-time and part-time employees may be granted personal business days for personal business that cannot be scheduled during an employee's non-working time.

Employees must obtain supervisory approval prior to the use of personal business leave and before work assignments begin.

Personal business leave shall not be granted for a duty day immediately before or after any other vacations or holidays. A supervisor may limit an employee's personal business leave if the supervisor receives more than one request for the same day. Personal business leave may not interfere with scheduled College functions.

Personal business days are only to be used to attend personal business which cannot be handled during non-work time. Personal business days are not to be considered additional days for recreation or vacation. Any or all employees who abuse this policy are subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Unused Personal Business may accumulate to 12 personal days maximum. An employee may not receive personal business leave pay for days the employee was not scheduled to work. Personal business leave must be limited to no more that 3 consecutive days. However, exceptions may be granted by the Vice President of Human Resources upon receipt of appropriate justifications.


Supervisory approval may be granted in one of two ways:

  1. Employee completing and supervisor approving written request for leave.
  2. Employee contacting and receiving verbal supervisory approval and completing written Request for Leave/Report of Absence form.

Personal business leave may not be taken in increments of less than one half-hour for classified staff and less than one-half day for administrative staff.

Full-Time Sick Leave Schedule


Sick Leave:

(Includes Personal Business Days as follows:)


10 days

3.0 days


10 days

3.0 days


11 days

3.0 days


11 days

3.0 days


11 days

3.0 days


11 days

3.0 days


12 days

3.0 days


12 days

3.0 days


13 days

3.0 days


13 days

3.0 days


13 days

3.0 days


13 days

3.0 days


13 days

3.0 days


14 days

3.0 days


14 days

3.0 days


15 days

3.0 days


15 days

3.0 days


15 days

3.0 days


15 days

3.0 days


16 days

3.0 days


16 days

3.0 days

Based on 4.3 weeks per month

The sick leave days listed on the previous page include the personal business days noted. Full-time regularly employed teaching faculty are entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days each academic year, per Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Once an employee has used the maximum number of sick leave days allowed per school term, no additional sick leave may be used until the employee returns to active duty in a succeeding school term.

Part-Time Sick Leave Schedule


Sick Leave:

(Includes Personal Business Days as follows:)

(20-29 hours a week)

39 or less

6 days

1 day


6 days

1 day


7 days

1.5 days


8 days

1.5 days

(30-39 hours a week)

39 or less

9 days

1.5 days


9 days

1.5 days


10 days

2.0 days


12 days

2.0 days


Supervisory approval may be granted in one of two ways:

  1. Employee completing and supervisor approving written Request for Leave/Report of Absence form.
  2. In the event of an emergency, employee contacting supervisor directly and receiving verbal supervisory approval and completing the written Request for Leave/Report of Absence form upon return to work.
Adopted Date
Revised Date