Board Policies & Procedures

Emergency Succession of College President

1028 Emergency Succession of College President

In the event the current President is no longer able to carry out his or her duties, the Board of Trustees will convene for an emergency meeting and appoint a successor to serve as interim or acting president until such time as the Board appoints a permanent replacement.

Prior to the emergency meeting of the Board, the College’s chief academic officer will serve as the temporary successor until the Board names, at the Board’s discretion, an interim or acting president that may or may not be the chief academic officer.

Please note that “chief academic officer” is the functional title for an employee who may have a title of executive vice president or vice president. Should there be no chief academic officer on staff when the president is vacant, the head of the Human Resources department is the next in line to be the temporary successor.

The Board may elect to compensate the appointed president at the same base rate of salary as the president received during the first year of his or her contract.

Adopted Date