1015 Meetings Closed to the Public
Although no formal action may be taken, the Board may conduct closed sessions as provided in the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Examples of reasons include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee.
- To hear testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
- To consider the acquisition of real property.
- To consider pending court proceedings against or on behalf of the College.
- To discuss personnel or collective negotiating matters between the College and its employees or representatives as to employment.
- To discuss student disciplinary cases.
- To discuss matters relating to individual students requiring special education services.
- To consider appointment of a person to fill a vacancy of a trustee.
- To consider matters relating to campus security or to the safety of staff and students.
- To discuss self-evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the college is a member.
- To deliberate concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.
The Board may adjourn to Closed Session for one or more of the purposes stated above upon the adoption of a proper motion to this effect.
The Board shall adjourn the Closed Session and return to Open Session to take formal action, if any, on matters discussed during the Closed Session.
A member of the Board of Trustees may participate electronically by a speaker phone or similar device that is audible to the audience. The following rules apply:
- A quorum of the board must be physically present at the actual location of the meeting. Absent members may not "call in" to make up a quorum.
- An absent member may be permitted to participate electronically only if he or she is prevented from physically attending the meeting due to:
- Personal illness or disability;
- Employment purposes;
- Business of the public body;
- A family emergency or other emergency.
- A member who wishes to attend electronically must notify the Secretary of the Board before the meeting unless it is "impracticable" to do so.
- All meeting minutes must reflect whether a member is present physically or electronically.
The Secretary to the Board of Trustees serves as the Open Meetings Act Designee and completes electronic training on an annual basis. All current trustees must complete training by January 1, 2013. Future trustees must complete the electronic training no later than 90 days after the trustee takes the oath of office.