Anderson, Amber

Professor, Math
Math, Sciences & Health Professions Division
Mary Miller Center
Classes Taught

MATH 107 - Applied Mathematical Concepts
MATH 108 - Intermediate Algebra
MATH 115 - Survey of Statistics
MATH 118 - Mathematics for Elementary Education 1
MATH 119 - Mathematics for Elementary Education 2
MATH 120 - Calculus & Analytic Geometry 1

Teaching Philosophy

Learning is a two-way street. It is my job to ensure that the material is not only covered, but also activities are engaging and are used to enhance student understanding. However, it is also the student's responsibility to own the material, make valid attempts at fully understanding the material, and make sure that he/she seeks additional help when needed. I believe peer (content related) conversations strengthen this learning and strongly encourage it. It is also my duty to insist on conceptual understanding. To this regard, I generally will respond to a student's question with a question of my own, which causes the student to think more in-depth about the topic. This usually results in the student coming up with the answer to his/her own question.

Educational Background

B.A. From Eastern Illinois University
M.S. Illinois State University