Course Descriptions

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Danville Area Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor's degree have been satisfied. This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 (and thereafter). More information about the Illinois Articulation Initiative is available online at
Starting college can be very overwhelming! In order to help you process all of the information, we’ve noted several links that should be viewed.
In order to help you process all of the information, we’ve noted several links that should be viewed.
Find out which advisor you need to speak to
The DACC Pathway to Illinois program is an opportunity for qualifying Danville Area Community College students to gain guaranteed admission to specific correlating majors at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and, while preparing to transfer, to integrate their time as full-time DACC students with resources at Illinois".
Check out the additional resources
Course Descriptions
Programs & Degree/Certificate Requirements for Each Major
General Education Electives (Associate Degrees)