Release of Information about Students
DACC maintains compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Public Law 93-380). The law provides the student access to official records directly related to the student. It also provides the student with the opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. Students who wish to review their official college records should contact the Admissions & Records Office in Vermilion Hall.
Photography and Videos
Danville area Community College may, from time to time, arrange for the taking of photographs or videos on the various campuses. It is the right of the College to do so. Photos taken are the property of the College and individuals depicted therein are not entitled to compensation or to restrict publication thereof.
Directory Information
The College is authorized under FERPA to release public directory information concerning students without prior consent of the student. Directory information includes the following:
Name; address; telephone numbers; email address; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height (if member of athletic team); dates of attendance; enrollment status (full- or part-time, hours enrolled in or completed); degrees, certificates, honors received or anticipated; (parents’ names and home town (in connection with publicity on sports achievements, degrees, and awards received); previous educational agencies or institutions attended; and photograph.
Directory information is subject to release by the College at any time unless the Admissions & Records Office has received prior written request from the student specifying the information not to be released. The College is also authorized to provide access to student records to DACC officials and employees who have legitimate educational interest. These are persons who have responsibilities in the College’s academic, administrative, or service functions. If a student is completing courses through Dual Credit/College Express programs, high school administrators and guidance counselors will also have access to student records under the FERPA guideline of legitimate educational interest.
For complete information contact the Director of Admissions and Records/Registrar in Vermilion Hall or at (217) 443-8803.