HEERF (Higher Education Relief Fund) Reports - Student
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act - Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (Cares) Act
Posted April 21, 2020 Announcement to all Post-Secondary Colleges Secretary DeVos Delivers $6 Billion in Additional Grant Funding to Support Continued Education at America’s Colleges, Universities
WASHINGTON — After quickly making available more than $6 billion for colleges and universities to provide direct emergency cash grants to students, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced today an additional $6.2 billion is now available to higher education institutions to ensure learning continues. The funding is available through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump less than one month ago.
“This pandemic has made clear every single education institution should make important investments to ensure learning continues when unexpected circumstances arise,” said Secretary DeVos. “Accordingly, the additional funds made available today can be used to expand remote learning programs, build IT capacity, and train faculty and staff to operate in a remote learning environment so that at any moment institutions can pivot quickly. I hope that institutions that already have robust remote learning capacity will consider using this funding to support additional emergency cash grants for students.”
The CARES Act allows institutions to use up to one half of the total funds received to cover any costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus. The funding for these “Recipient Institutional Costs” is separate from the funding previously made available for “Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.” In order to access the funds, higher education institutions must submit a Certification and Agreement for Recipient Institutional Costs, which can be found here. Institutions must also have executed the Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students before submitting the second certification and agreement. So far, about 50% of eligible postsecondary institutions have applied to receive the Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
School allocations are set by a formula prescribed in the CARES Act, which is weighted significantly by the number of full-time students who are Pell-eligible but also takes into consideration the total population of the school and the number of students who were not enrolled full-time online before the coronavirus outbreak. The Department is utilizing the most recent data available from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and Federal Student Aid (FSA) for this calculation.
The funding allocations announced today are part of the nearly $31 billion Congress allocated to the Department to distribute to students, K-12 schools, and higher education institutions under the CARES Act. The Department, at the Secretary's urging, is working to make funds available as quickly as possible.
The Department has taken quick action to support higher education students from the start of the coronavirus outbreak. Colleges and universities were given immediate regulatory flexibility so students' educations could continue online. Under the leadership of President Trump, the Department also provided student loan relief to tens of millions of borrowers by setting all federally held student loan interest rates to zero percent and allowing borrowers to defer payments for 60 days without interest. The CARES Act extends those benefits to six months. The Department also stopped all federal wage garnishments and collections actions for borrowers with federally held loans in default. And, within 13 days of President Trump signing the CARES Act into law, the Department made $6.2 billion available for emergency cash grants for higher education students. The Department has also disbursed $7 million to Gallaudet University and $13 million to Howard University in accordance with the CARES Act, which allocated this funding to help these unique institutions address the challenges associated with coronavirus.
Students are required by Federal regulation to be Title IV eligible and meet all requirements pertaining to Title IV eligibility. This eligibility information is provided when a student completes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The DACC HEERF Team met and discussed strategies to award the funds in accordance with guidance and regulations from the U.S. Department of Education.
Only students who were enrolled in eligible Title IV programs for spring 2020 term and who had completed a 2019/20 FAFSA with results on file at DACC by April 30, 2020 were reviewed for eligibility. In addition to Title IV eligibility the student must not have been enrolled in online classes only prior to March 13, 2020. It was determined that 1250 students were enrolled in eligible Title IV programs in Spring 2020 term and of those 816 students had completed the 2019/20 FAFSA and met the HEERF grant criteria.
The sum of $471,037.00 (total federal funds received) was awarded to 814 Title IV eligible students. The amount awarded depended on enrolled credit hours based on full-time, three-quarter time, half-time and less-than half-time enrollment status. Checks were mailed to the student’s address on record May 4, 2020. Enclosed with the check was an explanation of the funds, a sample of this notice is included with the summary that follows.
Of the Eligible Title IV recipients: Full - time Plus > 15 credit hours 197 X $700 = $137,900 Full - time 328 X $650 = $213,200 Quarter - time 126 X $550 = $69,300 Half - time 104 X $400 = $41,600 Less - than - half - time 59 X $175 = $10,325 Total awarded = $472,325 814 Headcount International Students (from College funds): Full - time 12 - 14 credit hours 5 X $650 = $3250 5 Headcount All funds received by the College from the CARES act ($471,037.00) have been distributed to eligible Title IV students. Included in refunds to students, the College funded awards for an additional $4538 which included $3250 to the International students.
Email (sent prior to check distribution): During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College will base the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2020 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
The College will mail the funds to the address you have on file in the next 10 business days. If your address has changed, please contact the Admissions/Registration office at 217-443-8800 or admissions@dacc.edu immediately.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
Danville Area Community College
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2020 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
Danville Area Community College
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds
You have been identified as an eligible International student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2020 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
Danville Area Community College
- Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSAA) Act
The DACC HEERF Team was assigned to distribute additional HEERF II funds to eligible students in accordance with fund guidance and recommendations.
Under section 314(c) of the CRRSAA, Recipient, an institution of higher education as defined in section 101 or 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), 20 USC § 1001 or 1002(c), may use these supplemental grant funds for Recipient’s Institutional Costs to defray expenses associated with coronavirus (including lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance education, faculty and staff trainings, and payroll); carry out student support activities authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) that address needs related to coronavirus; and make additional financial grants to students, which may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care.
Student eligibility: Unlike the CARES Act, the CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants to students. However, students do not need to be only Pell recipients or students who are eligible for Pell grants. In addition, the CRRSAA explicitly provides that financial aid grants to students may be provided to students exclusively enrolled in distance education. Institutions may not (1) condition the receipt of financial aid grants to students on continued or future enrollment in the institution, (2) use the financial aid grants to satisfy a student’s outstanding account balance, unless it has obtained the student’s written (or electronic), affirmative consent, or (3) require such consent as a condition of receipt of or eligibility for the financial aid grant. Undocumented, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and international students are not eligible for HEERF II funds under 8 USC 1611(a) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996 welfare reform law), which prohibits these students from receiving federal public benefits. As a condition of the Certification and Agreement for student HEERF II grants, the school “must comply with the provisions of all applicable acts, regulations, and assurances….” This includes the welfare reform law. Interpretation of rule at time of distribution is as like CARES students who are not enrolled in Title IV-eligible programs are excluded.
The DACC HEERF Team met and discussed strategies to award the funds in accordance with guidance and regulations from the U.S. Department of Education. First step was to generate an Enrollment report to identify all who were enrolled for the Spring 2021 semester. From this database it was filtered to indicate all who were enrolled in an eligible Title IV program and who were in at least 3 credit hours.
From this filtered group it was identified those who had completed the 2020/21 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and those who did not. Of those who had completed the FAFSA it was filtered further to determine who had been awarded the Federal Pell grant for Spring 2021.
This resulted in three separate groups: Pell eligible, FAFSA completers, and non-FAFSA completers.
It was determined that in order to ensure the students met the citizenship criteria we must have the results of a FAFSA to filter out those flagged on the FAFSA as not meeting the citizenship requirement.
The non-FAFSA completers were sent correspondence explaining the grant and encouraging them to complete the FAFSA, a deadline of Feb 22 was indicated. The financial aid staff monitored the receipt of FAFSA through Feb 26, 2021 and the database updated as applicable.
A target date of March 1 was established to determine the eligible headcount. The amount that each award was based on eligible headcount. A distribution date with checks being mailed was established of approximately March 5, 2021.
The students in the Pell eligible group were determined to be the neediest and were awarded an amount per credit hour as well as a “bonus” amount. Those who had completed a FAFSA would be awarded on a per credit hour basis with no “bonus” amount. Those who did not complete a FAFSA were not considered for the grant because the college did not have a means to determine citizenship.
The final numbers resulted in 483 Pell eligible and 297 FAFSA completers but not awarded Pell. Funds were distributed as follows:
FAFSA: No Pell Awarded Pell Awarded Cr Hrs HC Award Total Cr Hrs HC Award Total HC Bonus Total 15 > 90 675 $60,750.00 15 > 100 675 $67,500.00 100 178 $17,800.00 14 16 630 $10,080.00 14 28 630 $17,640.00 28 178 $4,984.00 13 22 585 $12,870.00 13 51 585 $29,835.00 51 178 $9,078.00 12 49 540 $26,460.00 12 101 540 $54,540.00 101 178 $17,978.00 11 7 495 $3,465.00 11 13 495 $6,435.00 13 178 $2,314.00 10 25 450 $11,250.00 10 32 450 $14,400.00 32 178 $5,696.00 9 11 405 $4,455.00 9 46 405 $18,630.00 46 178 $8,188.00 8 12 360 $4,320.00 8 36 360 $12,960.00 36 178 $6,408.00 7 9 315 $2,835.00 7 19 315 $5,985.00 19 178 $3,382.00 6 20 270 $5,400.00 6 27 270 $7,290.00 27 178 $4,806.00 5 5 225 $1,125.00 5 4 225 $900.00 4 178 $712.00 4 10 180 $1,800.00 4 13 180 $2,340.00 13 178 $2,314.00 3 21 138 $2,835.00 3 13 135 $1,755.00 13 178 $2,314.00 297 $147,645.00 $240,210.00 483 $85,974.00 $474,037.00 Total Grant funds, $473,829.00 Awarded, $208.00 remains to award.
Awards calculated at $45.00 per credit hour for all students, Pell recipients awarded additional $178.00 Bonus.
Students were notified by email to expect the CRRSAA check in a few days and to ensure they had the correct address on file in our Records office. A cover letter explaining what the funds were and their usage was also provided with the check in the mailings. What follows are samples of these correspondences:
Sample Email to students prior to check mailing:
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA). Based on the Department of Education's most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College will base the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2021 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
The College will mail the funds to the address you have on file in the next few business days. If your address has changed, please contact the Admissions/Registration office at 217-443-8800 or admissions@dacc.edu immediately.
Sample Letter enclosed with check:
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental (CRRSAA). Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2021 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
Danville Area Community College
- Coronavirus American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act - Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III, American Recovery Plan (ARP)
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) (Pub. L. 117-2). The ARP appropriated approximately $39.6 billion for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and represents the third stream of funding appropriated for HEERF to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Taken together, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Pub. L. 116–136), the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) (Pub. L. 116-260), and the ARP represent HEERF I, HEERF II, and HEERF III, respectively.
The DACC HEERF Team was assigned to distribute additional HEERF III funds to eligible students in accordance with fund guidance and recommendations.
Student eligibility: Unlike HEERF I, schools are now required to prioritize grants to students demonstrating exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Federal Pell Grants, when awarding HEERF II and HEERF III grants. Students do not have to be eligible for or to receive Federal Pell Grants in order to receive these HEERF funds. That is merely a suggestion for one place you can choose to start when awarding HEERF grants. Also, there is no requirement to award a certain percentage of HEERF II or HEERF III grants to Pell-eligible students.
DACC Defined Exceptional Need Priority groups for students who were enrolled March 13, 2020 or after: Priority Group One- All students who were in 2021/22 Pell eligible (even if Pell was not awarded) Priority Group Two- 2021/22 FAFSA completers who were not Pell eligible but demonstrated an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of below 19778 which is DACC’s highest Cost of Attendance (COA). Priority Group Three - Non-FAFSA Completers enrolled in Adult Education NURS courses for the CNA program, CDL Students, C&CE Short-term programs of Phlebotomy, EMT & Pharm Tech. and our International students.
A target date of Oct 1 was established to determine the eligible headcount. The amount that each award was based on eligible headcount. A distribution date with checks being mailed was established of approximately OCT 8, 2021.
The final numbers resulted in 1117 eligible recipients. Of these; 531 Pell were eligible, 120 additional FAFSA completers whose COA was below maximum at DACC and 466 Non-FAFSA but who demonstrated exceptional need. Fund amounts were based on enrollment status with those that were Pell eligible or EFC below COA receiving a Bonus amount. Funds were distributed as follows:
Enrollment Status at Awarding Headcount Dollars Each Individual Award Comments Full - time 632 $284,400.00 $450.00 . Quarter - time 164 $65,600.00 $400.00 Half - time 185 $64,750.00 $350.00 Less Than Half - time 136 $40,800.00 $300.00 Bonus Award 651 $86,664.00 $58.45 or $150.00 Pell Eligible = 531 @$150.00 and EFC < COA = 120 @ $58.45 Unduplicated Headcount = 1,117 Total = $542,214.00 Students were notified by email to expect the ARP check in a few days and to ensure they had the correct address on file in our Records office. A cover letter explaining what the funds were and their usage was also provided with the check in the mailings. What follows are samples of these correspondences:
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education's most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College will base the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Fall 2021 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
The College will mail the funds to the address you have on file in the next 10 business days. If your address has changed, please contact the Admissions/Registration office at 217-443-8800 or admissions@dacc.edu immediately.
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Fall 2021 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
DACC Defined Priority Groups as follows. Priority Group One- All students who received Pell Grant for Spring 2022. Priority Group Two - Students who did NOT receive Pell Grant for Spring 2022. Priority Group Three - students who did NOT receive Pell Grant and are enrolled in Adult Education NURS courses for the CNA program, CDL Students, C&CE Short-term programs of Phlebotomy, EMT & Pharm Tech. and our International students.
A target date of February 28, 2022 was established to determine the eligible headcount. The amount that each award was based on eligible headcount. A distribution date with checks being mailed was established of approximately March 11, 2022.
The final numbers resulted in 988 eligible recipients. Of these; 416 received Pell and 572 did not receive Pell. Funds were distributed as follows:
Enrollment Status at Awarding Headcount Dollars Each Individual Award Comments Full - time 541 $374,575.00 $800 for Pell recipients and $625 for Non-Pell recipients Students who receive Pell get a bonus grant of $175 on top of the base amount. Quarter - time 123 $81,050.00 $750 for Pell and $575 for Non-Pell Half - time 184 $110,775.00 $700 for Pell and $525 for Non-Pell Less Than Half - time 140 $72,100.00 $650 for Pell and $475 for Non-Pell Unduplicated Headcount = 988 Total = $638,500.00 Students were notified by email to expect the ARP check in a few days and to ensure they had the correct address on file in our Records office. A cover letter explaining what the funds were and their usage was also provided with the check in the mailings. What follows are samples of these correspondences:
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education's most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College will base the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2022 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
The College will mail the funds to the address you have on file in the next 10 business days. If your address has changed, please contact the Admissions/Registration office at 217-443-8800 or admissions@dacc.edu immediately.
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the Spring 2022 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
Please know that we are here to serve you during these trying times. We know you can do this!
DACC Defined Priority Groups as follows. Priority Group One- All students who received Pell Grant for Fall 2022. Priority Group Two - Students who did NOT receive Pell Grant for Fall 2022. Priority Group Three - students who did NOT receive Pell Grant and are enrolled in Adult Education NURS courses for the CNA program, CDL Students, C&CE Short-term programs of Phlebotomy, EMT & Pharm Tech. and our International students.
A target date of October 18, 2022 was established to determine the eligible headcount. The amount that each award was based on eligible headcount. A distribution date with checks being mailed was established of approximately October 28, 2022.
Enrollment Status at Awarding Headcount Dollars Each Individual Award Comments Full - time 613 $803,800 $1,500 for Pell recipients and $1,175 for Non-Pell recipients Students who receive Pell get a bonus grant of $325 on top of the base amount. Quarter - time 160 $193,125 $1,400 for Pell and $1,075 for Non-Pell Half - time 160 $180,150 $1,300 for Pell and $975 for Non-Pell Less Than Half - time 137 $129,625 $1,200 for Pell and $875 for Non-Pell Unduplicated Headcount = 1,070 Total = $1,306,700 Students were notified by email to expect the ARP check in a few days and to ensure they had the correct address on file in our Records office. A cover letter explaining what the funds were and their usage was also provided with the check in the mailings. What follows are samples of these correspondences:
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education's most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College will base the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the fall 2022 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
The College will mail the funds to the address you have on file in the next 10 business days. If your address has changed, please contact the Admissions/Registration office at 217-443-8800 or admissions@dacc.edu immediately.
Dear Student,
During these unprecedented and challenging times, DACC is pleased to extend emergency cash funds to you through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the American Recovery Plan (ARP). Based on the Department of Education’s most recent guidelines, DACC has developed a system to identify students who demonstrate significant need and who meet the predetermined eligibility requirements.
You have been identified as an eligible student. The College has based the funding level on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the fall 2022 term. The funds are to be used to cover expenses that you might have due to attending college during the COVID-19 crisis such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, childcare, and/or general semester expenses.
Enclosed is your check. We do not need a response from you but please cash this check in a timely manner. We do not need receipts as to what you have done with these funds. We do hope they are of some relief in these uncertain times.
HEERF (Higher Education Relief Fund) Reports - Institutional
POSTED JULY 10, 2023 - QUARTER ENDING 6/30/23 - 00166900_HEERF_Q22023_071023
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POSTED JANUARY 10, 2022 - QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 REVISED - HEERF_Q42021_011022
POSTED OCTOBER 22, 2021 - QUARTER ENDING 6/30/21 REVISED - HEERF_Q22021_071021
POSTED OCTOBER 8, 2021 - QUARTER ENDING 9/30/21 - 00166900_HEERF_Q32021_101021