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Academic Affairs includes the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
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The Office of Finance Administration is located in the west wing of Vermilion Hall, first floor, and oversees the following support units of the College: Management Information Systems, Bookstore, Business Office, Campus Services, Graphics/Photocopying Center, and the Purchasing.
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Danville Area Community College occupies fourteen buildings on 71 acres of ground.
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The Human Resource office provides services to all employees with respect to their health insurance and fringe benefits, compensation and contracts of employment, training and professional development, policy interpretation and administration, collective bargaining administration, and wellness programs.
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The Institutional Research Office conducts institutional research, coordinates program review and evaluation of all college units, coordinates college planning, and provides information about students, faculty, and programs to enhance the decision-making process for institutional effectiveness.
The Office of Marketing and College Relations is responsible for coordinating a number of marking and public relations activities including planning of all of the College's advertising and promotional campaigns, developing and producing all informational printed materials (catalogs, brochures, flyers, etc.), coordinating a variety of special events (open houses, special meetings, community activities on campus, etc.), and maintaining a close working relationship with media personnel. Another important function of the College Relations Office is planning and directing the College's overall marketing strategies. The office of Marketing and College Relations is located on the second floor of Vermilion Hall, west wing.
Director: Lara Conklin, 217.443.8798