Admission Criteria
- Applicants to the Cancer Registry Management Certificate (CRMC) Program must meet all admission criteria for Danville Area Community College. If you have never attended DACC, please go to New Student Application online
- Before being considered for admission into the Cancer Registry Management Program, applicants must meet these criteria:
- Any Associate’s Degree or higher and
- Applicants must have completed FOUR Pre-Requisite Courses prior to program entry.
Acceptance into the program is contingent on completing all prerequisites prior to program entry. Therefore, if you are currently enrolled in HITT 101 Summer Semester you can still submit an application. If you need help in finding out how to register for any of the four prerequisites that you have not yet completed, please reach out to the Program Director, Kelly Johnson 217-554-1678,, MM112.
- Submit transcripts from all other colleges attended and a DACC application if transferring to DACC. If the FOUR pre-requisite classes are not completed at DACC, admissions will decide if they transfer in or not.
- Applications must be submitted by the last Friday in June of the year the applicant wishes to enter the program.
- Applicants must be able to perform the essential functions of the program, and must therefore, meet the technical requirements of the Cancer Registry Management Certificate Program.
- Applicants must possess the ability to use the English language to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing with individuals of all professional and social levels.
- Typically, 20 students are accepted into the program. If qualified applicants exceed seat availability, the applicants will be selected according to their current degree or certificate. For example, those individuals with a background in Health Information Technology will be given first consideration, then those with other Health Professions’ degrees, degrees in the sciences and finally those with other degrees. Grades in previous college courses, clinical education evaluations, timeliness of classes and district residency will also be considered.
- Applicants accepted into the Program must respond with an acceptance or declination letter or email by the date specified on the acceptance letter. No response or a late response will be considered a declination, and the seat will be offered to the next qualified applicant.
- If all seats are filled for the current year, remaining qualified applicants must submit another application the following year. Applications and waiting lists of qualified applicants will not be maintained from year to year.
- The CRMC program policies are in alignment with DACC's criteria for admission. See admission page for details.
- Policies, procedures, program requirements, and updates are communicated to students through the CRMC student handbook that the student will receive upon acceptance into the program.
- The CRMC program has included a student complaint process that allows students to send complaints to the FEPRC (Formal Education Program Review Committee). These are the steps to follow for a student complaint process:
- Student name, mailing address, city, state, zip, phone number, email address
- Name of institution, title of accredited program
- Name of faculty/instructor
- Name of program chair/department head
- Mailing address, city, state, zip, phone number, email address
- Nature of complaint
- Supporting document including the signature of student submitting report
- Records of student complaints are maintained in the individual student’s file and will be available to FEPRC upon request.
- Program students will submit their complaint to:
NCRA FEPRC Administration
1330 Braddock Place, Suite 520
Alexandria, VA 22314
7032996640, Ext. 314